Category: Pets

Are Siamese cats expensive?

Siamese cats remain one of the most popular cat breeds in the US and around the world. Your purchase cost may vary based on your breeding pedigree, color, and other factors. So is the Siamese expensive? What costs are involved other than the purchase price? Startup costs The first choice you need to make when […]

What is Lyme disease and how common is it in the US?

Lyme disease is something almost everyone has heard of because it’s so prevalent and it’s something that affects humans, but it’s a disease that can also affect your beloved family dog, Valerie. It is the number one tick-borne disease in the United States and Canada. Although the symptoms in humans (rash and flu-like symptoms) are […]

Different breeds of cats Pedigree or mongrel cat?

Cats are probably the easiest pets to care for and the simple reason is that they are very independent, undemanding and very self-sufficient, but which cat should you go for? Pedigree cat or mongrel cat? Different breeds of cats Cat with pedigree: Pedigree cats are usually acquired deliberately, rather than accidentally, and tend to be […]

Tick ​​Prevention and Control

Your initial line of protection against ticks is to keep them away. Build a fence to help keep deer, a well-known host, off the lawn. Use repellent and traps to keep smaller rodents, including mice and chipmunks, off your property. If you can, install a two- or three-foot cement, gravel, or bark walkway between all […]

The advantages of snake repellents

They will lay eggs, steal your food, harm your animals, throw and pass other types of debris that you will have to clean up. These are not paying renters and even if they were, they would still be a nuisance. These pests are very dangerous and some species can kill you or your animals. They […]

Retail formats

One of the key determinants of a retailer’s success is the format they use to present to their target customers. A retailer can choose a format based on the type of store design they want to feature, the location they would like to establish, the various products and services they want to offer, and the […]
