Category: Pets

Creativity leads to family enrichment

CREATIVE ENRICHMENT FOR FAMILIES I found much enrichment in reading stories to my daughter every night until she was twelve years old. To this day we share those rich experiences. Many years ago we sat on the sofa and I drew pictures for my daughter. She told me how she wanted the figure to look […]

caring for a pregnant akita

Caring for an Akita dog during pregnancy is basically common sense. She must be carefully watched and made to feel as comfortable and happy as possible. You must ensure that she has dry bedding, plenty of clean drinking water, and regular good quality food. For the first five weeks she will probably behave quite normally. […]

The psychology of kindness

On the human need for personal kindness and kindness from others, and what it means for the future of humanity Kindness or benevolence is a very important psychological attribute. We are kind to others for various altruistic and sometimes selfish reasons. A guy may be nice to a homeless man and give him a blanket […]

Put your pet into a hypnotic trance

Are you wondering how I can hypnotize my pet? Think about it, you have your pet as a member of the family, just like your own baby, they both hear, breathe and are active, so calming can calm your animal… just like energy. Now here is a step by step guide to bonding and hypnotizing […]

Cure my dog’s UTI with natural remedies

Are you looking for a way for your dog to benefit from the healing powers of medicinal herbs, to recover from illness and stay healthy? He could turn to homeopathy, a system of medications that believes in boosting the body’s defenses and acting to get rid of any problems on its own. One in particular […]
