Since bearded dragons are social creatures, they too need to maintain their lives and that is to live a happy life. For them to be happy they must be entertained and one way to achieve this is by giving them toys. Don’t let your bearded dragon sleep all day, let your pet work his muscles by inviting him to exercise. Try to entertain them as much as possible. One way to encourage them to be happy is to give them your attention by playing with them. You can try to check these safe materials for your bearded dragon.

Soft fabrics or pillowcases
Bearded Dragons love to hang out in dark places. They choose to hide in different dark areas of their enclosure. To add fun and color, you can put soft things or a pillowcase that you can scratch and play with. These are great ideas for fun. Remember not to give plastic bags as toys as this can cause suffocation. Instead, you can give him paper bags to play with.

toy balls
Another great toy idea for your bearded dragon is balls. Every time you take your pet outside to play, give him those balls. You can use her head by pushing her and playing with her. It will be a fun show to watch. You could give him some bouncy balls, large marbles, plastic balls, and cat and dog toys to play with. Do not offer small toys to your bearded dragon, as they could be swallowed and cause danger. Make sure the balls aren’t too heavy for your pet to push around. These social creatures love loud noises and bright colors.

Paper towels
The saying “the simpler the better” also applies to bearded dragons. Your pet will surely love simple things. Simple toys that you can give them are paper towels. Put a sheet or two inside your nursery. Tissue paper is good for scratching and won’t hurt your dragon, but ripped tissues can make a mess. After your playtime, be sure to remove it and clean the area right away.

It’s pool time! It is quite ironic that bearded dragons love water even though they have a dry habitat. Bearded dragons love water! So when it’s bath time, provide him with a mini pool using a dish that has water in it. Put it inside its enclosure. Make sure your dragon fits on the plate. Get the right size. Keep an eye on your pet while she plays in the water. Never use a plate that is larger than the size of your dragon, as it can choke inside. Enjoy playing with your pet while she is in the water giving her a dip from time to time.

sand box
In addition to sand being a substrate for bearded dragons, it can also be used as a toy. However, he must supervise his pet while playing. They love to dig and play in the sand. Be careful as the sand can mix with your food and cause impacts that could be fatal. The ideal way to provide your dragon with sand as a play item is to put it in a box and separate it from its feeding area within the vivarium. Place newspaper under the box so you can easily clean it up and throw it away once your pet is done playing.

Other ideas for your pet to have fun is to have him run inside his enclosure. Make sure the entrance and exits are closed. Adding music is also a great idea so they can hear the rhythm and melody. If you’re not around but would love to let them play, you can turn on the TV as they love to watch.

But the best of all these ideas is hanging out with your pet; It means something to him as he will know that you are establishing trust and a relationship between the two of you.