If you’ve been selling information products or even learning about internet marketing for a long time, you may have heard people talk about how they used Yahoo Answers to make money. This usually involves them going ahead and answering people’s questions and flagging their sales link as a solution, or providing free information and including the sales link after their answer or in their profile.

That’s a perfectly acceptable way to make money, and a lot of people do it. But that’s not the only way Yahoo Answers can help you make money online. In fact, you can use this service to earn money without even answering a single question, or even signing up!

Keep in mind for a minute that a lot of what people buy online are solutions to their problems. In fact, this is exactly what they are paying for when they buy information products. They’re not spending thirty or forty or two hundred dollars just to get information. They are paying you a lot of money because they have problems they want to solve!

When it comes down to it, you’re not really selling information at all. You are selling a solution that the information product will provide to your buyer.

And that’s where Yahoo Answers comes in. This service is great because you can see exactly what people are concerned about in almost any niche. You know the questions they ask, and this means you know what problems they want to solve. And when you can solve people’s problems online, you will make money online.

One of the great things about Yahoo Answers is that it’s timely. It’s what people are looking for right now. No need to go into Wordtracker and see what people have been searching for for the last three months. Yahoo will show you what people want to know right now!

People’s questions can make good headlines. You don’t have to be number one on the first page of Google to get the most traffic. A good headline will beat a higher ranking on a page almost every time. Interesting titles that look human grab buyers’ attention more than SEO.

After all, which one would you be more likely to click on? Point number one that says “Dog Vomit” or point number five that says “Why is my puppy vomiting and what can I do about it?”

(Okay, I probably wouldn’t click on either one. But if I had a sick pup, I’d probably click on point five and probably buy anything that promised a quick fix or some sort of control over the situation. Like, say , an information product…)

So pay attention to what people ask. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling someone else’s product, creating your own, or already have your own. Pay attention to what people ask and you’ll know what kind of articles to write, if that’s how you market yourself. You’ll know what types of titles to put on your articles, what types of titles for your blog posts, and what types of ads to test in AdWords.

More importantly, you’ll know what problems people want to solve and what they’re asking for in trying to solve those problems. you can rely on the same strategies to stay there.

Selling information products using Yahoo Answers is as targeted as possible and will increase your conversions.