Category: Health Fitness

lose weight while you sleep

Lose Weight While You Sleep – Wow! I have many clients who constantly ask me how to lose weight, but very rarely do people consider the fact that you can speed up your metabolism while you sleep. I think this is because most people associate fat loss with hard work and high intensity exercise. This […]

Yoga asanas for 60 minutes

This is a list of asanas to perform during a full 60 minute workout. This mainly involves a warm up followed by deep stretching and some asanas. 1. Meditation: Sitting cross-legged, inhale and exhale deeply. Do this for 5 times. 2. Neck Stretch / Greeva Sanchalana – 3 to 5 times A. If one cannot […]

Get a bigger butt with kettlebell workouts

It goes without saying that most fitness professionals discourage you from training in a particular area for exercise or weight loss. However, bestselling author Tim Ferriss makes a strong case for kettlebell exercises for women who want a bigger butt. With previous experience (and little interest) in kettlebell training, Ferriss was re-introduced to the power […]

Is Vita Glow Night Cream Safe?

Vita Glow Night Cream Safe Vita Glow skin whitening products work by inhibiting the production of melanin. Melanin is responsible for the skin’s natural color, and by reducing its production, it helps lighten the complexion of the skin. In addition to this, they also help to even out discoloration and brighten the overall tone of […]
