Category: Health Fitness

The GARD diet treats epilepsy in quantum brain healing

Quantum Brain Healing treats some diseases with restrictive diets to alter brain chemistry. The GARD diet or glutamate aspartate restricted diet is an elimination diet developed to treat epilepsy that identifies foods and ingredients to avoid. Items to avoid include gluten, soy, corn, glutamate, monosodium glutamate, casein, aspartame, and hydrogenated oils. Gluten is commonly found […]

8 ways to burn belly fat without exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercising? Or, if you’re like me, looking for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to boost your metabolism without getting on an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell, or doing crunches. 1) walk Walking has been widely documented as the best thing […]

Weight loss and CLA side effects

Does Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Have Negative Side Effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and changes in body composition (i.e., losing fat and gaining muscle) seen in studies with mice and rats. Does it work in humans? […]

Great Bodybuilding Tips For Slim Guys

Here are some bodybuilding principles to keep you on track for fat loss. Follow these principles to choose what foods to eat or avoid. 1. The most essential bodybuilding principle for losing fat is consuming fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. It all comes down to calories in versus calories out. You […]
