This is a list of asanas to perform during a full 60 minute workout. This mainly involves a warm up followed by deep stretching and some asanas.

1. Meditation: Sitting cross-legged, inhale and exhale deeply. Do this for 5 times.

2. Neck Stretch / Greeva Sanchalana – 3 to 5 times

A. If one cannot sit cross-legged, do this variation. Keep knees up and ankles crossed, bend elbow around knee with fingers interlocked

b. back and forward

against Side to side, relaxing ear to shoulder.

d. Neck circles, left and right

3. Rotation of the shoulder socket / Skandha Chakra – 3 to 5 times


1. It can be done standing or sitting.

2. Extend your arms to shoulder level.

3. Now move your shoulder blades in a circle, dragging them first forward, then back five times. You can do this any number of times throughout the day.

4. Continue to breathe normally throughout the process.

5. A variation: elbows touch in front.

4. Cat – Cow / Marjariasana – 3 to 5 times in Table Top position

A. Hands under shoulders and knees under hips

b. Move the inner arms out

vs Start in a neutral position facing the floor.

d. Cat: Eye down

my. Cow: chin to chest

F. Hold the pose and breathe for 3 seconds.

5. Lie in Child’s Pose/Balasana – 4 to 6 breaths

A. Curl up to sit up and lift your chin last to avoid dizziness.

6. Get on top of the mat for 3 rounds of Surya Namaskar

7. Shavasana – 1 to 2 minutes

8. Step onto the top of the mat to perform the Standing Forward Bend – Padahastasana

A. Roll up to stand with knees slightly bent and chin up last to avoid dizziness.

9. LR Side Stretch

10. Step right foot back into Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

A. Look towards the raised hand or the floor.

b. Easier: bend front leg, optionally place arm on thigh

11. Reverse Triangle Preparation

12. Palm Pose / Tadasana – 3 times

A. When your heels are on the floor, place your hands on top of your head.

b. When your heels are off the ground, raise your hands in the air.

against looking forward or up

13. Tree Pose / Vrikshasana LR – 4 to 6 breaths

A. Hands in Pranamasana or overhead

14. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position for Psychic Union Pose / Yoga Mudrasana – 4 breaths

15. Butterfly Pose / Badhakonasana – 4 to 6 breaths

A. First, flap your butterfly wings

b. Then relax and bring your forehead to the ground.

16. One Legged Forward Bend / Janu Sirshasana LR – 4 to 6 breaths

17. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana – 4 to 6 breaths

A. Relax your back

18. Table pose

A. Raise the opposite arm and leg

19. Easy Cobra Pose / Saral Bhujangasana – 2 times

A. forehead on the ground

b. Hands by the side of the head, fingertips in line with the crown of the head

against Legs together and relaxed

20. Half-Locust / Ardha Shalabasana – 3 times, 3 seconds

21. Push Back to Child’s Pose / Balasana

22. Seated Spinal Twist / Ardha Matsyendrasana

A. Easier alternative

– Easy Revolved Pose / Parivrtta Sukhasana, Cross Legged

– Part 1 of Prostration Pose with Spinal Twist / Bhunamanasana

23. Single Leg Raises/Padotthanasana –

A. Inhale – up / Exhale – down

b. Hold your breath and hold for 3-5 seconds

24. Knee to Chest Pose / Supta Pawanmuktasana – 3 times

A. Exhale, lift the nose to the knee

25. Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose / Supta Udarakarshanasana – 3 times

A. Hold 3 seconds

27. Modified Backbend

28. Shavasana

This is a 60 minute full body workout. Make sure to stay in Shavasana for 5 minutes at the end to bring your body back to normal.