Tips and Suggestions for Parents for Today

Ha habido muchos cambios en el estado físico durante los últimos 30 años. Es la naturaleza humana recordar tiempos pasados. Eso es genial, pero no olvidemos que las cosas también cambian. Esto es ciertamente cierto en el área de la salud y el fitness. “Si haces lo que siempre has hecho, obtendrás los resultados que siempre has obtenido” es cierto, pero ¿y si la situación cambia? Entonces, lo que solía funcionar ya no es una forma viable y efectiva de obtener los resultados que queremos. En este artículo, describiré siete elementos que han cambiado en los últimos 30 años y que afectan la forma en que vemos la salud, el estado físico, el ejercicio y lo que se considera “lo mejor”. Veamos algunos de estos cambios en Fitness.

1. Nivel de actividad

Este cambio en la forma física es bastante obvio. Simplemente no nos movemos tanto como solíamos hacerlo hace 30 años.

Actualmente, la persona sedentaria promedio que vive en un entorno urbano da entre 900 y 3000 pasos al día. Uh… ¡eso es un número insignificante! En la revista de medicina deportiva se reunió la literatura existente para establecer una pauta general de lo que sería una buena cantidad de pasos por día.

La autora, la Dra. Catrine Tudor-Locke, tradujo diferentes actividades físicas en equivalentes de pasos por día. Un índice de menos de 5.000 se clasifica como sedentario, de 5.000 a 7.499 es poco activo, de 7.500 a 9.999 es algo activo, de 10.000 o más es activo y de 12.500 o más es muy activo. Entonces, ¿en qué nos convierte 900? ¡Cerca de la muerte! Pero no es difícil de imaginar. Levántese, tome el ascensor hasta el estacionamiento, conduzca el automóvil, tome el ascensor hasta la oficina, siéntese, pida comida rápida, invierta el proceso para ir a casa y volver a la cama. Solo para tener en cuenta, 1 km son aproximadamente 1300 pasos.

Ha llegado al punto en el que tenemos que molestarnos a propósito para aumentar nuestro nivel de actividad. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias (que en realidad nos muestran cuán patéticos se han vuelto nuestros niveles promedio de actividad).

Estacione en el otro extremo del estacionamiento y camine hasta su edificio En lugar de dejar a los niños frente a la escuela, estacione un par de calles antes y camine el resto del camino… 10,000 en realidad se considera BAJO presupuesto para niños.

Da la vuelta al centro comercial o al supermercado de forma aleatoria. Con los súper centros comerciales de hoy, ¡esto es una gran cosa!

2. We must be flexible

You must adjust the rules and limits to the needs and abilities of your children as they grow. The limits required for a 10-year-old boy and girl should not be the same as for a 13-year-old, and even less if you have a 15-year-old son or daughter. Excessive control is just as bad as its absence, so we must gradually give them more freedom to act and make decisions.

3. We must be consistent and consistent about limits

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed or tired and we allow our children some behavior that, at another time, we do not tolerate. But it is important that we maintain standards and limits, and penalties for non-compliance, regardless of our mood. It is also important that there is an agreement between the parents when establishing limits and punishments. Although we sometimes disagree with our partner, we must resolve our differences in private and show the same opinion to our children.

4. If standards are not met, punish

First of all, it is advisable to remain calm and not react emotionally. Then we must listen calmly to the justification that our children give. Finally, there will be times when it will be appropriate to sanction their conduct. It is important for children to understand that it is their behavior that is being rejected and not them. However, there may be alternatives to punishment and showing them how disappointed we are by their behavior or the lack of trust we have towards them. Another possibility is not to punish them and make them experience the consequences of their mistakes.

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Tips and Suggestions for Parents for Today

On many occasions, with the arrival of adolescence, mothers and many fathers tend to relax their control over their children because they consider that this is no longer as necessary as when they were younger. However, like affection, the setting of limits is still very important during adolescence, and when these are lacking, children are likely to feel disoriented and think that their parents are no longer interested in them. On the other hand, the absence of controls, standards and limits is closely related to the appearance of some behavioral problems such as antisocial and criminal behavior or the abusive consumption of drugs and alcohol. Here are some suggestions for rules and limits.

1. Limits must be clear, reasoned and justified

It is very important that we do not authoritatively impose the limits and norms that regulate family life and the behavior of our children, both at home and abroad. You should talk to them, get their point of view, explain the reasons for a particular rule, and change it when we are convinced that it is unfair. Involving children in decision-making about boundaries does not mean giving up parental authority, but it will be a way of acknowledging that they are growing and maturing, and that they have the right to participate in the decisions that affect them.

2. We must be flexible

You must adjust the rules and limits to the needs and abilities of your children as they grow. The limits required for a 10-year-old boy and girl should not be the same as for a 13-year-old, and even less if you have a 15-year-old son or daughter. Excessive control is just as bad as its absence, so we must gradually give them more freedom to act and make decisions.

3. We must be consistent and consistent about limits

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed or tired and we allow our children some behavior that, at another time, we do not tolerate. But it is important that we maintain standards and limits, and penalties for non-compliance, regardless of our mood. It is also important that there is an agreement between the parents when establishing limits and punishments. Although we sometimes disagree with our partner, we must resolve our differences in private and show the same opinion to our children.

4. If standards are not met, punish

First of all, it is advisable to remain calm and not react emotionally. Then we must listen calmly to the justification that our children give. Finally, there will be times when it will be appropriate to sanction their conduct. It is important for children to understand that it is their behavior that is being rejected and not them. However, there may be alternatives to punishment and showing them how disappointed we are by their behavior or the lack of trust we have towards them. Another possibility is not to punish them and make them experience the consequences of their mistakes.

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