Do you suffer from tingling, pain or tension in the legs, especially after prolonged standing or sitting, varicose veins or small varicose veins in the upper or lower leg, tired, heavy and swollen legs, especially at night , itching and/or hardening of the skin?

If you do, then you are not alone, millions of people are suffering from the symptoms mentioned above, which are often the first signs of venous insufficiency. About 44% of women and 19% of men are alerted to vein problems by the time they reach 30 years of age. But by the time they reach 50, more than 54% of women and 42% of men are affected by some form of varicose veins. A recent study in Edinburgh showed that more than 50% of women in the general population had sore, heavy or tense legs.

Uncomfortable legs can make it difficult to get on with the day’s tasks and often affect a person’s enjoyment of life. Many people tolerate these feelings because they believe they are an inevitable part of aging. However, these leg complaints are often made worse by general lifestyle and other factors of daily life, which affect the action of the leg veins.

Why do we have varicose veins? The veins in our legs have to work very hard to transport blood back to the heart against the force of gravity. And in today’s hectic Western lifestyle, which often involves standing or sitting all day, this puts a lot of pressure on the circulation of the veins in the legs. As a result of this heavy load on the leg veins, fluid enters the surrounding tissues causing swelling, pain and that “heavy leg” feeling.

The decreased efficiency of the valves in our veins leads to insufficient return of blood from the legs. The valve at the top of a vein can become ‘incompetent’ and stop working properly; this allows abnormally high pressure in the section of vein below it. This stretches the vein wall, making it varicose, and this makes the next valve incompetent, and so on down the leg.

As we age, we are more at risk of developing varicose veins due to loss of tissue tone, loss of muscle mass, and weakening of the vein walls; however, other risk factors include: lack of exercise, pregnancy, prolonged sitting or standing, obesity, excessive alcohol use, certain hormone treatments, wearing tight clothing, and long flights.

Leg pain and heaviness are common complaints, especially after standing for a long time. Some people with varicose veins have itching and a feeling of warmth and tenderness in the veins. All symptoms caused by varicose veins tend to be worse at the end of the day and are relieved (at least to some extent) by “putting your feet up”.

Most people will find that their legs are more swollen and tender at night, although the swelling usually goes away after a night in bed, it will return the next day after standing or sitting. However, if chronic venous insufficiency is left untreated and allowed to progress, it can lead to much more serious health problems. In some people, abnormally high pressure in the leg veins can damage the skin, eventually leading to ulcers.

The first sign of trouble is usually mild eczema and itchy skin, usually just above the ankle. This can be fixed temporarily with creams containing steroids, but in the long term they are not a safe or satisfactory treatment, as they can make the skin thin and fragile. If neglected, eczema can become very severe, with red, scaly, inflamed skin around the lower leg. Some people will also notice a darkening of the skin, first to a pale brown color and then to a shiny, dark brown appearance, or bright white areas of skin, which are a sign of fairly advanced skin damage.

In chronic venous disease, it’s not just the skin that becomes discolored, shiny and hard, but the fat underneath also hardens and shrinks, so that the area ends up ‘bumpy’. This can lead to skin ulcers, which can become very large and extremely painful, and unfortunately leg ulcers are becoming more common in the Western world. However, treating underlying venous problems will help prevent it from getting worse and more vulnerable.

Of course, apart from the health implications, it is the cosmetic embarrassment of varicose veins that brings misery to many people. An image-conscious society naturally makes women want to have nice legs. Some doctors may not be sympathetic to their patients with varicose veins, as they do not see these problems as especially life-threatening, but for those who suffer from them, it can cause pain, embarrassment, and misery.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can help yourself avoid these problems. Venavine Plus Leg Health Capsules are a powerful yet natural remedy that will quickly and easily begin to help with the symptoms of venous insufficiency. Venavine Plus has been scientifically proven to help maintain healthy circulation in the leg veins.

The red capsules contain active ingredients from red vine leaf extract. Knowledge of the medicinal potential of the grape vine (Vitis vinifera) goes way back in history. French winemakers rarely suffered from vein disorders or heart problems, and this was believed to be due to drinking infusions made from red vine leaves.

Medical studies have now shown that substances found in red vine leaves have important health and healing properties that protect leg veins, reduce fluid loss to surrounding tissues, and help maintain healthy blood circulation. leg veins. Therefore, Venavine Plus helps to improve the circulation of the leg veins and prevents the discomfort of tired, heavy and aching legs caused by prolonged periods of standing or sitting.

The leaves themselves grow on red grape vines in many areas of the world and are cultivated in hot, dry regions of Europe, Africa, and South America. The red vine leaf is collected after the harvest. It is at this time that the leaves have the highest content of the key ingredients. After being harvested, the leaves are dried and then extracted with purified water, a method that relies on precise temperature control. In this process, the extracting agent permeates the leaves and dissolves the ingredients in several stages. The liquid phase is separated from the raw material residue and dried, leaving behind the active ingredients that are then found in Venavine Plus.

Venavine Cooling Leg Gel is also available. This is an easy way to help tired, heavy legs feel refreshed at the end of a busy day. This pleasant, non-greasy gel, which also contains red vine leaf extract, is for topical application. Massage some gel into your legs for an immediate cooling and calming effect. The gel has been specially designed to complement the action of Venavine Plus Leg Health Capsules. The gel can be used with the capsules or on its own.