The best way to get rid of stomach fat is simply by improving your eating habits and staying active. Your lifestyle will probably need to be adjusted if you want to lose that belly permanently. They don’t have to be big changes, but you have to think about eating healthier and exercising regularly. To put that into practice you need to know what you’re doing and make sure you’re eating right and not wasting countless hours in the gym.

So, here are 5 tips that can help you adjust your lifestyle so that you can have a flat stomach and maintain it in the future.

Tip 1. Make sure your weight is not an obsession

Your health should be measured by how you take care of yourself. Think about your eating habits, lifestyle habits such as smoking, stress, drug and alcohol use, and physical activity. Numerous studies have already shown that health depends primarily on a person’s physical shape and not on the amount of fat.

Tip 2. Forget low-carb diets

You only need carbohydrates. It’s important that you choose the right carbohydrates, and these are “complex” carbohydrates. These are high in fiber or carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (Gi). Products with a low Gi are often high in complex carbohydrates and will keep your glucose level stable, keep you feeling full longer and give you more energy.

It also takes more energy to burn those carbs, so you burn more calories. What to use: Whole grains like whole wheat bread, whole grains, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, broccoli, nuts, etc. White bread, desserts, chips, cookies, cakes, pies, chocolate, chips, and the like are what you should avoid because they contain a lot of “bad” or refined carbohydrates.

Tip 3. The best way to lose belly fat is to exercise regularly

Big or small, apple-shaped or pear-shaped, one thing is for sure, regular exercise is a must both indoors and outdoors to stay in shape. Try a minimum of 30 minutes per day for at least 5 days per week. For beginners, it is better to spread the movements throughout the day, for example, walking. Always try to plan ahead when you will start moving. Write it for example in your diary or on a calendar.

Tip 4. Variety is crucial

If you don’t have variation in your diet or training, you will find it boring and lose motivation. It is also true that the body quickly adapts to the environment to which it is exposed. Always the same food and the same movement will have less effect in the long run. Try to keep your monthly progress from stalling by changing your diet and exercise. The changes include changing the intensity of training, the type of training and a varied diet.

Tip 5. Really not eating is not the solution, eating a lot is

And that means your 5 or 6 meals a day are to suppress your appetite. However, they are smaller amounts than you would normally take. This is a good way to get energy and prevents you from overeating.

If you follow these tips, you will definitely get rid of stomach fat and help you feel better and have more energy. You will love that feeling!