Can a Woman be more powerful and stand out in her own feminine energy and take a stand?

As a woman, avoiding conflict to be at peace is like:
the loving mother of a child

a partner of passion

a flower of sweetness

But, we deny ourselves

  • Inability to be in the present moment.
  • Doubt (inability to trust our abilities; we must always be perfect)
  • Impatience (the stubbornness to reject the present until a certain result is achieved)
  • Projection of negative beliefs, values ​​and ideals that permeate the universe.
  • Closing our minds to possibilities that exceed our wildest dreams.
  • The need to control by setting limits that make us feel comfortable and forgetting the big picture, such as time limits, physical attributes, moral imperatives, etc.
  • An unwillingness to allow through surrender

Let’s start with the surrender

Our beliefs keep us strong. Everything in our lives can be hugged. Everything in life is a lesson and our reactions can create or deny the opportunity. Surrendering to being truly vulnerable takes courage.

We all have a strong internal compass that keeps us focused inward and keeps us safe from our perceptions of reality.

    • Intention (the willingness to confidently assert your vision)
    • Surrender (Let go, let God) don’t invest in how your dream manifests
    • Detachment from the result (without looking for an external expression of the element).
    • Flexibility (all while still ‘knowing’)

  • By relinquishing judgment, you allow others complete autonomy because you are offering radical acceptance.

Give up concept
Of others: By allowing others to be who they are, you allow yourself to be who you are. It is impossible to be aligned if you are judging others. Our lives carry our energy and when we want a particular result, our feeling can leave us disconnected from what is true.

of situations: by relinquishing judgment of circumstances, we insert ourselves directly into the flow of what is. This is the space of acceptance without judgment and fear clearing the wrong thoughts that block our feminine power.


Courage breeds success, but how do you build confidence?

You build it by building your personal resources.

Stretch beyond your comfort zone.

Whether through personal development, spiritual practice, coaching, all of the above, or anything else that helps you become more of who you are.

Do something you’ve never done before and discover that you can do it.

Even if you are not equipped, develop the courage to be confident.
be vulnerable

Getting out of your EGO is difficult. Our ego likes to keep us safe by creating illusions of danger. With courage comes inner strength and confidence – it will breed success.

Take a look at those disarming beliefs that are keeping you from dating. Are real? Are they quantified?

Even with all the actions you put into motion without courage and without the ability to give up, we sabotage our self-esteem. Imagine: a small wall flower full of potential waiting to be rescued.

It can be an uphill battle (!) Release what’s inside you and go one step further. Life is too short to waste it on unnecessary logic. Rewrite your reality and give yourself a reason to change.

Be that person who wants more in life and business: radical actions without commitment!
Dare to dream bigger dreams. Trust in the wisdom and gifts that created you. Whichever direction it takes you, you will have the courage to travel further.

When the twilight of your life comes, as it surely will, it won’t matter if you managed to achieve your vision, but rather that you had the courage to give up and pursue it.