Hello people,

I am here once again with a lot of uplifting good news! Your diet cola may be killing you!

You heard right. If you’re drinking any type of soda or diet drink, any sugar-free gum, or any sugar substitute like Equal, Nutrasweet, or Spoonful, I’ve got news for you.

This item can save you or your loved ones from serious diseases like Brain Tumors, Leukemia, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Birth Defects, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parkinson’s and many more! So I suggest you start paying attention and share it with as many people as you can.

Ok, here’s the background:

The substance used to sweeten diet drinks and sugar-free foods (including Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Kool Aid, Listerine Strips, various sugar-free gums, etc.) is called aspartame. Aspartame is also the technical name for brands like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and other sugar alternatives. Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965 by a chemist at the GD Searle Company. GD Searle attempted to obtain FDA approval in the United States in 1974, but failed due to objections from a neuroscience researcher named Dr. John Olney and a consumer advocate named James Turner. For now, the FDA has suspended approval for further research. However, aspartame was allowed in 1981 for dry goods and in 1983 for carbonated beverages.

Aspartame is by far the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to food. It is responsible for headaches/migraines, palpitations, fatigue, irritability, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, vision problems, shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, depression, vertigo, memory loss, and mixed bread.

According to recent studies, it is also responsible for triggering or worsening brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, birth defects, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, and diabetes.

So why did the FDA approve aspartame? Well, for many years, the FDA not only refused to approve it, but took GD Searle to court charging them under Title 18, Section 1001 for “their willful and knowing failure to submit the reports required by the FDA… and for concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of animal studies conducted to establish the safety of aspartame.”

You know why? Because in 1969, Searle conducted a study with Dr. Harry Waisman on the effects of aspartame on primates. Seven baby monkeys received aspartame in their milk. One died after 300 days; five others suffered grand mal seizures. Searle removed these findings when they submitted this study to the FDA!

So that’s pretty big, right? And Searle should have stopped producing this dangerous chemical forever, right? Unfortunately, there was a famous man in this story who had a lot riding on aspartame.

The CEO of GD Searle at the time was Donald Rumsfeld (retired defense secretary from the Bush administration who de facto ran the Iraq war)! Rumsfeld said he would make sure aspartame was approved even if the FDA said no. He was also on President Reagan’s transition team at the time.

The story of how Rumsfeld accomplished this was told by attorney James Turner in a documentary about aspartame called “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World.” You can visit the site here http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/sweet%20misery. html And here’s a clip http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/Rumsfeld2.html where you can see Mr. Turner narrate the story of how greed kills millions of people for years to come.

In 1985, Monsanto bought the GD Searle Company. The first thing Monsanto did was to separate the Searle Pharmaceuticals and NutraSweet Company subsidiaries.

Now Monsanto is also one of the largest companies in the world that produces genetically modified foods and other chemicals that are used in food and food production. Monsanto is also known for producing pesticides.

We are now talking about a multi-billion dollar industry called the diet beverage industry. Like CFC (which nearly destroyed the Earth’s climate due to its long-term destructive properties, but was popularized for over 40 years as the magic money-making but environmentally friendly chemical, until we had the ozone hole) and trans fats (which clogs your arteries and makes you obese and responsible for many other diseases, yet millions of people around the world are eating KFC), aspartame is also very well protected because it is HIGHLY PROFITABLE.

In 1992, Flying Safety magazine published articles on the dangers of aspartame, mentioning that some people could be immediately affected by aspartame in doses as small as a piece of gum.

And here is the most interesting fact:

Pilots of major airlines are not allowed to drink or consume products that contain aspartame! You know why? Because it increases the risk of headaches, seizures, palpitations, depression, slurred speech, memory loss, loss of sensation in the lower legs, loss of balance, vertigo, anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, loss of vision etc How good is that? Now you can stop worrying because even if you’re killing yourself with aspartame poisoning, you should be happy knowing that you’ll at least make it to your destination in one piece.

Now I know, in your mind you might be thinking well, diet drinks at least keep your weight in check! Right? Well, is it really?

Aspartame is known to contribute to weight problems and obesity, although it is used in diet drinks. Of course, it doesn’t cause overweight problems in the same way that sugar does, but it does cause obesity by creating some very toxic harmful materials in the body. It also makes you crave carbs, which makes you gain weight. The body usually stores these toxins in fat, especially in the hips and thighs. Not surprisingly, millions of overweight people around the world have been drinking Diet Coke, Pepsi and other beverages for years and still don’t lose weight!

In the famous book Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, says that aspartame can trigger clinical diabetes. He says that excitotoxins like NutraSweet literally stimulate neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. “What really worries me about aspartame,” he says, “is its association with brain tumors, as well as pancreatic, uterine, and ovarian tumors…and many developing Alzheimer’s-like syndrome with prolonged exposure.”

Dr. Blaylock also commented: “The new study published in the European Journal of oncology by Morando Soffritti and colleagues should terrify mothers and all those who consume aspartame-sweetened products…”

“This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and colleagues, who also found that the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame damages cellular DNA and that this damage is cumulative. The type of damage is double that associated with cancer. Together with this most recent study, this means that drinking a single aspartame-sweetened diet cola every day could increase the risk of developing lymphoma or leukemia.”

Unfortunately, even as I write this today, millions of people around the world are drinking their “sugar-free” and “calorie-free” poison. Millions of dollars are spent each year marketing and advertising diet drinks featuring slim, attractive women on billboards and on television. Little do ignorant consumers realize that they are paying with their health, the health of their children, and the health of their grandchildren every day to make people like Rumsfeld and companies like Searle and NutraSweet ever richer.

On the other hand, people like myself, Dr. Betty Martini (who is the world leader in exposing the harmful effects of chemical sweeteners), and hundreds of others are doing everything they can to reach as many people as possible. around the world. But we’re up against a combined billion-dollar advertising and marketing budget from diet drink companies, processed food companies, and so on.

How much of a chance do we have to break through the noise of these mega-budget campaigns? I dont know. But I’d like to believe that we’re making a difference… That you would read this letter today and never touch any aspartame-related product again. That you would take the initiative to tell as many people as you can in person, on the phone, by email, at the next office meeting, or whatever else you can think of. If you do that, we step up and we’ll win. If you don’t, then all this effort is worthless.

Think about it.

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Step 3: As a thank you gift, I’ll send you two free motivational eBooks. One on a true story of how to bounce back in life when you have nothing else to lose and the other an excellent 49 page special report on motivation. This applies to all readers of this email.

Spread the word and allow more and more people to live a life of health, abundance and happiness!