The World of Warcraft servers are busier than ever, and that’s no surprise, as WoW is one of the most popular games ever released. At first glance, you may not like the wow graphics because they are a bit cartoony, but the good thing is that the game is not demanding on your PC. Due to overcrowded servers, you can expect a lag from time to time. WoW is very similar to Blizzard’s previous real-time strategy game, Warcraft, even the missions are similar.

The best part of the game, in my opinion, is its mission system. You are provided with a quest book that you can access anytime you want and do your quests. Quests are easy to find because NPCs that have a quest for you will have a yellow exclamation point over them, and after you finish a quest with that NPC, instead of the yellow exclamation point it will now show a yellow question mark . Quests in wow are usually level oriented, but there are also many quests that appear only after you kill a certain monster.

Another big part of the game is the professions. The professions offered are: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Herbalism, Jewelry, Leatherworking, Mining, Tailoring, Skinning, and Inscription. You can choose between two professions and usually you should choose those that are similar to each other, but that is not a rule and it is better to choose what you want regardless of whether it is similar or not.

I also like how they have done the death sentences. When you are killed, you will find yourself in the underworld as a ghost and you will have to return to your body. Finding your body is not difficult as there is a yellow arrow on the map that shows you where it is. The good thing is that you don’t lose any items or experience when you die. If you’re not in the mood to run back to your body, you have the option of being resurrected by a spirit for a price of 5% loss of experience and all items on your body or a 25% loss of duration.

WoW is made for both solo players and those who like to play as a team, although to defeat some of the biggest monsters in the game you’ll need to be on a team. The game interface is very well done and it won’t take you long to get familiar with all the features and options.