A dog is without a doubt the best companion a human being can have out of all the other pets that are available in the market today. His loyalty is outstanding and this is the reason why many people prefer them. Apart from loyalty they are warm, friendly and playful. However, it is of the utmost importance that you choose a dog that suits his personality and that is why Dog Breed Advice is an absolute must for every new dog owner.

It would do you a world of good to review the different temperaments of dogs before settling on a particular dog. Temperaments you might want to pay close attention to include: active, affectionate, alert, attentive, strong, determined, fearless, friendly, kind, affable, independent, intelligent, loyal, obedient, courageous, protective, calm, receptive, and very friendly . Popular dogs are those that possess a combination of different traits that will ideally suit you.

Raising a dog from a puppy should include proper puppy training. You can choose a good breed of dog, but they need to be taught discipline early on so you don’t run into trouble later on. Dealing with older dogs out of control can be a real hassle. Training sessions should be specific to the type of breed you have purchased. A tried and tested method of training for the breed of the dog must be employed for the result to be 100% successful.

Building a good knowledge base of what is required of you as a dog owner is the key to having a healthy and fully functional dog. This includes making sure that all nutritional requirements are met and that all foods the dog may pick up are well researched. They also need to be placed in the right environment for them to maintain their health and longevity.

Ultimately, you want a dog that fits perfectly into your everyday life. If you’re busy, don’t want a dog that requires your undivided attention, or if you’re a stay-at-home person who needs the constant presence of a dog, then you need to find one that can meet this criteria.

Dog Breeds Explained is an excellent website that provides you with a directory listing called ‘dog breeds a – z’. There is a large archive of information that gives you helpful buying tips and training options. You will also be enchanted by the wonderful photography.