Many women have a hard time losing weight through diet alone. For those who are successful, it usually doesn’t last because once they stop dieting, the weight comes back. Sometimes they can even gain more weight than they did before they started dieting.

It is especially difficult for new moms or moms to be as they gain many extra pounds during the pregnancy period. They often feel like they will never get back to the shape they were before they got pregnant because they gained so much during that period of time.

This can be very daunting and can leave one with low self esteem making it seem almost impossible to succeed so they end up not even trying.

If they would simply add some type of exercise program to accompany their diet plan, they would see much better results. Those results will come much faster and will be noticeable, so you’ll feel great and want to keep going for a long time.

Here are just a few exercises that will support your diet for the best results:

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to shed those unwanted pounds, almost any exercise that gets your heart rate up for an extended period of time will burn those extra calories fast.

Strength training is another good way to lose those pounds, as long as you don’t mind building some muscle. I’m not talking about muscle mass, just enough to tone your body, in case you didn’t know that muscle burns fat.

Running has been and continues to be the main way to stay in shape. In recent years, more women than ever have taken up running. It has quickly become the most popular form of exercise for women who want to get in shape. Just by running alone, you’ll lose weight and strengthen your lower body and abs.

You can also add strength training for your arms and shoulders by running with light weight dumbbells. There are many different ways to add weights while running, you could use ankle or wrist weights or even a weight belt. Once you’re in better shape and want to challenge yourself even more, you can use a backpack with something heavy inside.

If the thought of running scares you at first, then you could start a daily walking routine. Start with short walks and extend them as you go along with increasing the pace. As mentioned above, you can also add weights to your walking routine just as you would if you were running.

It really all comes down to getting started, it doesn’t have to be any particular type of exercise, just something that gets you moving and burning those calories. Once you start to see results from your efforts, you’ll feel so much better about how you look and you’ll want to keep going.