A swimming pool is a fantastic place not only to have fun, but also to get fit. In addition to a pool that provides your family with a backyard oasis to cool off on a hot summer day, it’s also a great place to add to your fitness routine and give your body a break from ashore workouts. Swim workouts do double duty by offering a way to get in shape by using the resistance of the water to enhance your workout without putting undue pressure and strain on your joints.

When the sun is beating down, exercising in the water also keeps your body temperature regulated. Face it, when summer is in full swing, it’s hard to muster the energy to exercise in the heat and/or humidity, right? When you take an aqua aerobics class, whether in a group setting or in the comfort of your own backyard, you can get a good workout in 30 minutes. Water resistance offers a way to build muscle strength and flexibility, and exercising in water helps you develop a healthy heart and lungs.

Other benefits of exercising in the water include:

  • You can build muscle strength faster. Due to the resistance of the water compared to exercise on land, water aerobics helps your muscles work more effectively than regular aerobic exercises. Many people see faster results as a result of training in the water.
  • Minimal stress on the joints. When you run, walk, or do weight training, they are good for your body and overall health, but these exercises are hard on your joints. Because water supports up to 80% of your body weight, you have less chance of injuring your joints than with a land-based workout. Water aerobics is a great way for seniors and people recovering from injuries to get healthy.
  • Regardless of the weather, an aquatic exercise routine keeps your body temperature regulated. Exercising in a pool keeps your body temperature constant when the weather is hot and/or humid.
  • Build heart health and strength in the water. Putting your all into a water aerobics routine goes a long way in strengthening your heart.
  • Powerful calorie burn. When you exercise in the water, you can burn between 450 and 700 calories per hour; it’s hard to burn that many in a ground workout.