Being able to keep our homes clean can be a challenging task. Between working all day and taking care of our kids, it’s hard to find time to do it. Children’s toys can be one of the main contributors to our living room or bedroom looking like a tornado has passed through them. Taking action and looking for a solution is the first step to achieve it. Once you have figured out the type of toys you are storing and the location where you are storing them, you need to figure out if what you will need is a wooden or plastic toy storage.

The best way to decide if wood or plastic is right for you might be to look at the rest of the furniture in the room you’re cleaning. If it’s a living room, then put some of your nicest furniture in there. This is one instance where you may want to go with wood. It can provide a much more luxurious look than plastic, and it will be much easier to find a way to blend it in with the rest of the room. Don’t forget that with most of these wooden chests or boxes you can add a few pillows on top of the lid and make a great seat for family and friends. Wood is ideal if one of the objectives in mind is to maintain discretion in storage. With wood storage you also get a lot for your money. They are often very large and can fit many types of toys inside of them. They are extremely durable and will easily last for the better part of a decade. One thing to keep in mind is that wood often scratches quite easily, so choosing a darker finish might be a better idea.

When dealing with plastic toy storage, such as toy boxes or chests, a bedroom or playroom is probably the most ideal place to put it. I say this because most of them have child themes in mind, which is fine, but not everyone will want Elmo or Dora the Explorer in their living room. Often times, the reason parents turn to plastic is for exactly this reason: children’s themes. Being able to have these characters in your son or daughter’s toy box makes it so much more fun for your kids and if you already have a theme in a certain room these are perfect. The best advantage of plastic is the fact that it is much easier to clean and does not show as much wear and tear as a wooden one. They are much lighter, so if you ever want to move it, it will be much easier with the plastic.

No matter which one you decide to go with, it’s important to know that a plastic toy box isn’t just a cheaper version of a wooden one. Both have very different advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation for which they are used.