It is green. It is “clean” and is touted as the “world’s healthiest superfood.” Spirulina offers 60% vegetarian protein by weight, but can you have too much?

In a word, yes!

People usually start taking spirulina to maintain their health. A blue-green algae rich in beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B-12, and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA, spirulina powder has a bit of an acquired taste. Even so, converts often swear by its powers to lighten the skin, relax the mind, and provide extra energy. Whether added to smoothies and fresh juices or taken in pill form, spirulina initially seems like a winner.

Anecdotal stories suggest cures for malnutrition, cancer, acne, allergies, and protein deficiency, to name a few. From an environmental point of view, spirulina offers ways to avoid deforestation, because it grows in brackish water on infertile land. Spirulina is considered by some manufacturers and advocates to be a critical supplement to end world hunger! In fact, this little blue-green algae does some pretty amazing things.

Unfortunately, very few resources warn about the dangers of ingesting too much spirulina. Though far from a “widespread problem,” Spirulina overdosing is fairly common in health-conscious circles, especially raw foodies, who may use it in salad dressings, smoothies, and fresh juices—all in the right place! the same day!

Spirulina contains 3,900% more beta-carotene than carrots. At first, this sounds like a benefit: more is better, right? Well, not always. The body can convert beta-carotene to vitamin A, and in large doses, vitamin A becomes toxic to the liver. Users of high doses of Spirulina often complain of intense itching on the body, which seems to come from under the skin. No amount of oils, lotions, or water seems to relieve the itch. If you or someone you know has this problem, it could be a sign of serious liver toxicity. Many people experience relief within a few days by stopping spirulina and any other foods or supplements high in beta-carotene, such as goji berries, beets, carrots, E3Live or Crystal Manna, and some seaweeds. Once the itching subsides, they can gradually add lower doses of beta-carotene-containing foods, but they’ll need to be careful for a while as your liver heals.

For people who started taking spirulina for health, the possibility of liver toxicity presents an ironic effect. Spirulina and other superfoods still offer potent benefits, but we must remember that “super”foods really CAN provide “too much of a good thing.” Recommended dosages range from 3-5 grams up to 40 grams per day, making it difficult to gauge an overdose situation. If you’re experiencing unusual symptoms and have been taking a lot of power plant foods like spirulina, consider backing off those superfoods a bit. When it comes to supplements and/or superfoods, more doesn’t always mean better.