It is very cool for the whole family to take a dip in the nearest pool. But, if you have small children in your family, you need to take some safety precautions to ensure that the children can enjoy swimming. Parents should watch closely when children swim. Adults must be fully involved when children are in the pool. A small child can grow in as little as an inch of water. Many people think they will hear a splashing sound or call for help, but many times there is no sound at all. Here are some tips to keep children safe in a pool:

• There should be fences around the pool for your protection. Four-sided fences around the pool will help prevent children from drowning. Must be at least four feet tall. The fence must have a self-closing gate and automatic latch.

• The area around the pool must be cleaned immediately after each use. If there are floating toys in the water, remove them immediately. Such toys can attract children’s attention and a child may catch hold of them and fall unexpectedly.

• Children must be strictly told to follow posted rules at public pools. Pool decks can be wet and slippery. Many children feel excited near the pool. Therefore, they should not be allowed to function in any situation. They should walk smoothly and carefully. Children should be instructed to obey “no diving” rules in designated areas. The water might be too shallow to dive.

• Children should be allowed to enter the pool only if they have prior knowledge of swimming. Send your child to swimming lessons. Children can start taking swimming lessons around the age of four. Even if the child knows how to swim, very young children should be within arm’s reach. Never leave children alone in the pool to answer the phone.

• Safety equipment should be available in a visible location nearby for easy access if needed. If you’re in a larger pool, a rescue pole or “lifebuoy” is also good to have on hand.

• If you are not using the pool, cover it with a hard safety cover. Even during the swimming season, it is best to keep the pool covered when not in use. The cover must fit securely over the entire surface of the pool.

• If your child is swimming in an inflatable pool, it should be emptied after each use. Never think that your child cannot grow up in an inflatable pool. Never leave an inflatable pool full of water. Young children do not have the upper body strength to lift themselves up and can easily drown by sliding on the soft side of an inflatable pool.

• Never trust floats, water wings, inner tubes, or noodles. You should only use flotation devices labeled “Coast Guard Approved.”

Drowning can always be prevented. Every time you take your child near the pool or in the pool, you should be able to get close to your child.