Here are some healthy diet tips for those looking for a quick start to losing weight:

1. Never eat until you are too full at each meal. You should force yourself to stop eating when you are fully satisfied.

2. Space your meals by a minimum of two and a half to three hours between each meal. This will give your body a chance to fully digest the food from the previous meal before consuming the next one.

3. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This will ensure that you get enough fiber, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

4. Do not eat in the last three hours before going to bed at night. It’s better to go to bed on an empty stomach than a full one, so your body doesn’t needlessly spend the night digesting food when it should be resting.

5. Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of fewer large meals.

If you follow these five simple guidelines above, you’ll already be well ahead of the weight loss game. These rules alone are all you really need to lose weight, live a healthy lifestyle, and even keep your weight off once you’ve lost it. Your weight loss may be very slow and steady, but these tips are definitely a starting point that you can follow without too much effort, too much sacrifice, or any major readjustments to your routine.