The following is a list of the most common questions and some short answers about tinnitus. This includes latest questions about tinnitus and Botox, ASA and other home remedies.

Does ASA (aspirin) cause ringing in the ears?

Some side effects of taking acetaminophen, aspirin, ASA, and/or caffeine can include ringing in the ears. Do not take acetaminophen; aspirin, ASA; caffeine with other over-the-counter medicines, especially cold and allergy medicines, without consulting your GP.

Can an ear wash cause tinnitus?

Never put the tip of a cue stick in your ears. Before you consider an ear wash, earwax removal, or ear candling, you should understand the many risks of damage to the inner ear, including infection, perforation, and/or damage to the tiny hairs that aid sound. Consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist before inserting anything into your ears.

Are there home remedies for ringing in the ears?

I am a skeptic. In search of my own tinnitus cure, I put my body to the test and tried various home remedies. None worked. There are many claims on the internet about home remedies, but I have yet found one that has scientific evidence to back up its claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Again, consult your family doctor before investing in herbal remedies, acupuncture, hypnosis, message therapy, ear candling, etc. When it comes to herbal remedies, there may be some medications that conflict with your current medications. For example, a common trend is to try Gingko Biloba which has some benefits for correct use.

However, patients with blood circulation disorders or patients using anticoagulants should immediately consult their doctor before using Gingko. Having said this, I have never seen any conclusive evidence that Gingko helps with tinnitus.

Can using a cell phone cause tinnitus?

About two months ago, a woman called my house terrified that she had contracted permanent tinnitus and was convinced it was caused by her high mobile phone use. So I did some research. In 2003, a study by Leif Salford and colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Lund, Sweden was published showing that microwave radiation emitted from mobile phones caused damage to the brains of laboratory rats.

The study attached cellphones to the rat cages and varied the intensity of the radiation to reflect the range of exposures a human cellphone user might experience during the same time period. They exposed the rats to this radiation for two hours. Fifty days after the single two-hour exposure, the rats’ brains showed significant leakage of blood vessels, as well as areas of damaged and shrunken neurons.

The greater the radiation exposure, the more damage was evident. This study was not specific for tinnitus. However, enough was said to convince me to keep my phone on speakerphone mode.

What else should you do if you have tinnitus?

If you are unable to sleep at night due to your tinnitus and experience intermittent ringing in the ears or permanent ringing in the ears and are wondering how to stop the ringing in the ears, I recommend beginning your research with the American Tinnitus Association.

It is a great place to learn about what is tinnitus, tinnitus research, tinnitus relief, tinnitus remedy, ringing in the ears, tinnitus masker, tinnitus cause, dizziness due to ringing in the ears ears, muscle tinnitus, brain tumors and tinnitus, tinnitus treatment options, noise induced hearing loss and much more!