With thousands of people trying to find a way to earn extra money online every day, paid online survey sites are popping up everywhere. With so many out there (some good, some, well, not so good) it’s hard to determine what to believe. In an attempt to clear up the ins and outs, myths, and realities of online paid surveys, I’ve put together a series of questions and answers to help you figure it all out. We’ll start with the basics and then get down to the nitty-gritty.

Ask: This is serious? Why would someone pay me to take online surveys?
Answer: Yes, this is real. There are literally hundreds of legitimate market research companies that offer incentives for your opinion. Companies go to these firms to get public feedback on their products or services and are willing to pay them to hear what you think. They then pass part of that payment on to you.

Ask: What are the surveys about?
Answer: Just about anything you can think of. You might be asked to check out a new movie trailer, what kind of peanut butter you like, what restaurants you frequent, you name it. From barbecue grills to medical questions, appliances and what you had for dinner last night. There are sites for specific age groups, professions, hobbies, and interests. The surveys are generally very interesting and these companies are looking for your opinion on how to shape their products.

Ask: How does it work?
Answer: Every company works a little differently, but these are the basics of online surveys. You will sign up for a paid survey site. You will enter some basic demographic information (age, gender, etc…), and when they have a survey available in which they are looking for someone who fits your profile, they will send you an invitation to take a survey. The invitation will usually contain a direct link to the survey and the incentive you are offered to complete it. Just click the link and complete the survey to qualify for the reward.

Ask: What kind of incentives are offered?
Answer: Incentives vary for each site, but generally incentives take the following forms: cash, gift certificates (Amazon gift certificates are the most popular), merchandise (DVDs, small appliances, electronics, kitchen utensils, etc.). ) and charity. donations Each survey site will offer one or more of the above incentives for your participation in their surveys. Some will offer them outright, eg “you will be paid $5.00 to take this survey”, some offer them on a raffle basis, and some have a point system where accumulated points can be “cashed in” for the above items.

Ask: Will you get spam when signing up for paid survey sites?
Answer: No, but you have to be careful. There are some sites that are simply advertising companies posing as paid online survey sites. Here is my advice on how to tell the difference. First of all, if you’re offered the chance to win a cool prize for signing up, like a car or a boat, I’d tire out a bit and do some more research before you sign up. Second, if the site registration survey consists of a lot of questions about whether or not you want to learn more about other products, stay away, you’re bound to get spammed. Just remember that a legitimate market research company will not endorse a product or service, they are supposed to be unbiased. Third, read the privacy policy if you have any concerns. Most of the sites out there are legitimate and will only email you if there is a survey available or if there is important information that they need to notify you of.

Ask: Should you pay for a database of paid survey sites?
Answer: No. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t be paying a dime to take online surveys. First of all, with a little effort you will be able to find all the sites yourself, for free. There are many free sites that have pretty good listings and also some really good free sites that have entire directories of free paid surveys with hundreds of listings. Second, market research companies are prohibited from charging people to take surveys and they disapprove of anyone who does.

Ask: Can I get rich just by answering online surveys?
Answer: Many people have asked me if they will be able to retire by answering online surveys. Well, that’s just not going to happen. Where it’s possible to make a decent amount of money making referrals or running a survey related website, you simply won’t make a full time salary simply by answering surveys. There are many sites that advertise that you can earn thousands of dollars per week or earn $45 per hour for taking online surveys (actually you can earn $45 per hour for a particular survey, but you won’t always). a lot and it may only be a 10 minute survey).

Ask: How much can I do?
Answer: That’s really hard to say. It really depends on a number of factors. How many sites did you register? How often do you take the surveys you are invited to take? What is your demographic? Etc… But I won’t leave you hanging on that. I’d say if you sign up to multiple survey sites, take most of the surveys you’re invited to, and don’t have limited life experience, you could make $1,000-$2,000 a year in cash or equivalent. Mostly you will get smaller payments ($1.00 to $10.00) for a survey, but I have seen them pay up to $200. Treat this as extra money, not a career. You can easily make enough to take the family out for dinner, buy a few extras, get some nice things for the house, or save it all for your holiday shopping.

Ask: So is it worth it?
Answer: Yes I think so. Considering that, it’s not going to make you filthy rich, it’s certainly a fun and easy way to earn a few extra bucks. I find it enjoyable to participate in the surveys, and for the time invested, the compensation is quite good.

That concludes this question and answer session. Hopefully this article has shed some light on the world of online paid surveys. If you get rid of the hype and know what to look for, online surveys can be a nice way to earn extra money. You’ll be able to see new products before they’re released, give feedback on how to improve existing products, and get paid for doing so. Not bad for a few minutes of your time.