Technology is wonderful, isn’t it? Twenty years ago, we barely imagined all the instantaneous technology we have access to now. Of course, some of us imagine we’d be hovering around in flying cars by now, using a completely different fuel source, but hey, we’re getting there, I hope. It would be nice not to feel all the hit or gag with the fumes.

Which brings up the potential to go even further in our evolution. Some things, like PCs, cell phones, GPS devices, PDAs, Bluetooth, Blackberries, DVDs, CGI and game development, lasers, and satellite technology, have grown so rapidly that we boomers can barely keep up.

The bad thing about all this technology is some of the materials that are used to make them. Poisonous metal elements such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, solvents and dangerous gases such as methyl chloroform, benzol, arsine, hydrogen chloride and its standard polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing that is completely harmful to the environment from start to finish.

So back to your fancy HDTV system. Despite all these nasty materials that are used to provide this amazing technology, people still want it. And why not? These are really cool gadgets. And most people aren’t aware of all the pollution involved anyway.

But what if you are aware and want to do something, anything, to reduce the bad impact of all these wonderful things? With HDTV being one of the fastest growing products, the rise of HDMI cabling has grown exponentially. Also, using your monitor to view your HDTV or your computer to produce the signal is creating a greater need for HDMI to DVI cables.

Unfortunately, most cables are made from PVC and will never, ever biodegrade. If it is incinerated, it spreads these horrible gases that are deposited in the water and soil. The good news is that there is an alternative that is still new to the market and it is having great success.

Thermoplastic Polyester Elastomer (TPE) is a biodegradable polyester blend that protects your cable just as well as unsightly PVC. The manufacturers of these nifty cables (Vaster) also made sure that the eco-friendly packaging was of high quality. In other words, TPE surrounds the cabling and premium materials designed to give you crystal clear picture and sound.

So whether you’re looking for awesome HDTV cabling, like HDMI to HDMI, HDMI to DVI, cables with angled heads that protect your equipment, or just want to keep your green enthusiasm while enjoying the benefits of HDTV, you’ve found your answer. with TPE cables.

Welcome to high quality, high definition, performance, and conscientiousness in the best HDMI cables ever built!