Much of the dietary information available for Irritable Bowel Syndrome is either outdated and useless, or so inaccurate that it is likely to generate symptoms instead of preventing them. What’s a reliable, fast, and easy way to start following a diet that actively helps your Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, instead of making them worse? A great first step is to start following:

The Ten Commandments of Eating for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

1. ALWAYS eat soluble fiber first, eat soluble fiber whenever your stomach is empty, and make foods with soluble fiber the main component of every meal and snack.

2. Minimize your fat intake to 25% of your diet, at most. Read the labels and in restaurants, ask. Focus on small amounts of heart-healthy oils.

3. Never eat fatty foods, even in small portions, on an empty stomach or without soluble fiber. Better yet, don’t eat them at all.

4. Eliminate all red meat, dairy, fried foods, egg yolks, coffee, sodas, and alcohol from your diet. This may be the hardest dietary strategy to adopt, and I know it probably won’t be easy or fun, but neither are Irritable Bowel Syndrome bouts.

5. Never eat insoluble fiber on an empty stomach, in large amounts at one time, or without soluble fiber.

6. Eat small portions often, slowly and without rushing.

7. If you’re not sure about something, DON’T EAT IT. It’s not worth the risk.

8. Food is fun and eating should be enjoyable. Take the time and effort to eat safely and then have fun.

9. Remember that you have absolute and total control over your diet. No one can force you to eat something you know you shouldn’t.

10. Practice creative substitution, not deprivation. Use soy or rice substitutes for dairy, two egg whites to replace one whole egg, try low-fat vegetarian versions of meat products, replace a little oil with fruit purees in breads or cakes, use vegetable broth instead of oil in sauces, bake with cocoa powder (fat free) instead of solid chocolate. Use herbs, baking extracts (vanilla, mint, maple, etc.), and mild spices liberally to enhance flavors.

Also, if you’re currently trying to break the ongoing cycle of attacks, it’s best to strictly limit your diet to foods with soluble fiber and strong mint or fennel tea for several days. This will allow your GI tract to stabilize, and then you can gradually and carefully add other foods following the commands.

(This information is copyright Heather Van Vorous, The First Year: IBS, 2001)