Before getting out of bed:

1. Express gratitude …
Take a moment to send the world a few mental thanks … for seeing another day, for your family and friends, for having your health, your job, a roof over your head or whatever situation may be yours. Realizing that you are already living in a blessed state helps energize your day.

2. Hit the scam:

The following three suggestions are adapted from Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine and should be part of everyone’s daily routine to help strengthen and energize the body. The thymus gland contributes to the development of a strong and healthy immune system. By tapping on this area first thing in the morning and then a few more times during the day, we keep this gland stimulated. So where is he

scam? Imagine Tarzan hitting the center of his chest, what he was really doing was activating the scam before going into action. Take a page out of your book to get the energy flowing into your day.

3. Rub spots K-27:

K-27 spots are very special spots on the body! These points are also used in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to activate the energy system to flow in the right direction. K-27 will help strengthen the immune system, improve concentration and alertness. To find K-27 (which is the end point of the kidney meridian) place your fingers on the ends of the collarbone, then slide your fingers towards the center of the collarbone and then lower them about an inch. You will feel a slight indentation. The points often hurt when they are first stimulated, but this diminishes as they are worked regularly. Touching or rubbing these particular spots will send an activation message to the brain to adjust your energy and feel more alert. Do you feel sleepy during your mid-afternoon meeting with the boss? Work these points!

4. Activate the spleen points:

These are neurolymphatic points on the spleen meridian, which like the previous two will help boost the immune system, energize the body, and balance blood chemistry. How can I locate these points? They are the depression between the seventh and eighth rib, just below the level of the breastbone or breastbone. Move your hands under your breasts, directly under your nipples, then lower over the next rib. Like the points mentioned above, they can hurt when stimulated if not done regularly.

Now get out of bed and continue with …..

5. Dry the skin with a brush:

Before you get into the shower, get into the habit of dry brushing your skin. This technique has numerous benefits, such as helping with detoxification, stimulating circulation, increasing cell turnover, cleansing the lymphatic system, and strengthening immunity, to name a few. Using a long-handled brush with natural bristles (not synthetic, please!), Begin brushing the fur. Keeping the brush dry, start at the feet and work your way to the heart. With vigorous movements, brush in a circular manner, covering all areas of the body until reaching the heart area. Then start at the head and work your way down, again towards the heart, covering the rest of the body. When you’re done, your shower will be to clean yourself and not to wake you up.

6. Visualization of the shower:

As you physically wash in the shower, try a visualization to clear the energy field around you (your aura) that contains psychic debris. Visualize a light coming through the shower head along with the water, I like to imagine a vibrant violet light. As the light touches the body, imagine burning or transmuting any waste of energy that clings to your aura, the water will wash away the subtle particles as they loosen their grip. By the end of the shower, you feel very refreshed!

7. Oil up:

Once you get out of the shower, with all the tingling now from each of the steps above, grease up with one of the best skin conditioners – natural organic coconut oil. When applied topically to the skin, coconut oil helps keep skin well hydrated, youthful, healthy, and disease-free. Add coconut oil to your diet and watch the health benefits multiply. Finish your day by smearing coconut oil on your skin at night

and your youthful appearance will be the envy of many.

8. Get rid of Java:

Instead of starting your morning with a cup of coffee, replace it with a cup of hot water containing unfiltered apple cider vinegar and raw honey, 2 tablespoons each. It’s important that this is organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to reap the health benefits. Although it may not sound appetizing, it really is not a difficult drink to swallow and it does turn out to be quite enjoyable. Some of the benefits include helping you become more regular by relieving constipation, improving skin texture, assists

to relieve breakouts, plus it makes you feel refreshed and ready to go.

9. Have breakfast!

Defined: The act of creating a simple, easy, balanced, and nutritious meal to start the day. Remember this is THE MOST important meal of the day. I like to remember this with the following quote: “Have breakfast like a king, lunch like a man and have dinner like a poor man.” Sending breakfast slows down the overall functioning of the body, such as metabolism, and then stays low for the rest of the day, making it difficult for your body to use the energy from the food you eat later on.

10. Oxygenate your body

This seems so simple, but we tend to miss it so many times: take a deep breath. How many of you reading this now breathe shallow little breaths? Come on, raise your hand, I know who you are! When you need that extra boost of energy, BREATHE! Breathe deeply to the slow count of 3, hold the slow count to 3, exhale to the slow count of 3. Do this with concentration and intention for a few minutes, then recheck your energy level. If you have done this correctly, you have been successful in starting your day for real. With this deep breath you are increasing your vitality while reducing tension.