Twitter is a great source of traffic when used correctly. By now, most online sellers know this to be true.

But what most online marketers don’t know are 3 little tips that get you more traffic without even sending a single tweet. (And let me take this moment to say that I never thought I’d write the word “tweet” in an article.)

So let’s take a closer look at these 3 little tips and how to use them in your Twitter marketing.

3 Little Known But Powerful Twitter Tips

Twitter Tip #1 – In the upper right corner of your Twitter page is the profile area or information about you. One option you have is which website you want to link to after the space marked “web”. Most people just send people to their main website. The problem is that most people’s main website doesn’t have a signup page, so there’s no way to capture the prospect’s email address.

So what you want to do is include a link to a subscription page, or at least a page that has a subscription box somewhere. While your Twitter followers are a list, you also want to add them to your email list.

Also be sure to change the link from time to time to provide some variety.

Twitter Tip #2 – Also in the profile area in the upper right corner there is a space to create your bio in 71 characters or less.

Most people include things like “mom, dad, internet marketer, CSI fan, love of buttered popcorn” or some other way of being cute or funny.

As is often the case, don’t do what most people do.

Instead, use the 71 character bio to let your follower and prospect know what you can do for them. After all, your follower and prospect is looking at your Twitter page and asking “what’s in it for me?” So show them.

Mine currently reads, “Article Marketing for More Leads, Advertising, Products, Profits, and Lots of Fun.” Although I like to change it up a bit from time to time, so it may be different when you review it. Regardless of what you say, it will answer your question of “what’s in it for me?”

Twitter Tip #3 – In your profile section there is a category called “favorites”. What most people do is link to their favorite tweets.

Again, don’t do what most people do.

Instead, prefer the positive things people say about you. Maritza Parra calls these “Tweetimonials.” Then, when someone visits your Twitter page and clicks on your Favorites, they’ll be able to see all these “mini-testimonials” about you!