When I first think of Facebook, I don’t think of SEO. Since I spend a lot of time on my personal profile page, updating friends and family, I don’t always think about the power behind the platform.

Without a doubt, Facebook is an SEO powerhouse. Digital marketing influencers have been talking about Facebook’s marketability for a long time, but this goes beyond Facebook ads (which are powerful enough on their own).

Here are some quick tips to get you started:

  1. Claim Your Personal / Custom URL – These URLs carry a lot of weight in search engines, so take your time and really think about what you want it to be. Be careful though … it’s hard to change once you set it up.
  2. Keep the name of your Facebook page simple, specific enough but not too specific to limit it (i.e. if you are a marriage counselor, focus your name on love or relationships, so if later you go to other types relationship / personal coaching, your page name is still relevant.
  3. Use keywords strategically, in the about, mission, and company description sections (note that these sections can be reordered, so play around with this while you’re there!).
  4. Tie everything together. Link your Facebook page to other existing channels (Twitter / Instagram / your website and blog).
  5. Optimize your Facebook business page status updates (your first 18 characters serve as your meta description, choose carefully because they will serve as the SEO title for that update).

But how do I know which keywords to use?

Research is essential to help you determine the keywords you want to use. Keywords are used in your social media biographies, post titles and content, URLs; To use them in your description, don’t just load your available text space with keywords, create a description that makes sense while incorporating keywords at the same time. You have more than one opportunity to use keywords, you also use them in blog posts and page updates.

How do I search for keywords?

You know your business better. To start brainstorming keywords:

  • What do you sell? Do a search, what other keywords do you see?
  • Check Industry Posts, Amazon / eBay, Other Specialty Sites, Online Ads, Specialty Forums – What words do you see constantly popping up?
  • And here’s an awesome tip: look at what shows up in autocomplete when you google, you can see what the post is searching for often by looking at what is suggested, Amazon has similar functionality, so look there too!

Stay tuned, we are spending the entire month on Facebook! What are your top Facebook questions or digital marketing challenges? We want to hear from you!