You’ve probably heard of kids talking about the latest video games for their PlayStation 2. As parents, you’re always on the lookout to make sure your kids only play games that are appropriate for them. And so, here are the games in the different categories that you may find suitable for your children, depending on their ages.

The first would be the E-rated games. These would be the “everyone” games. These could be SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, or even Madden `08 or any of the other sports video games. Probably the best age-appropriate games would be those that range from the movie screen to the game console. Examples would be Cars, Madagascar, Meet the Robinsons along with the others where you have already seen the endings.

Next up would be the T or “for Teen” video games. These would be those games that offer slightly more detailed graphics. An example would be WWE Smackdown vs. RAW. Some violence and sexual graphics could be expected. However, when death comes into play, the graphical gore is not present.

The last thing would be the M or “mature” games. These would be the games that only adults could really understand. There is a lot more gore as well as sexual narratives and the murder is often graphic. An example of these games would be Grand Theft Auto where there is a lot of shooting of cops as well as kidnapping of prostitutes. God of War and Metal Gear are also examples because of how people are killed and their general strategy.