How I started investing in Fixer Uppers

My wife and I made the leap into a more rewarding future in 2002, when we bought my first restorative superior home, repaired it, and rented it. What motivated us to start in the superior houses of reparation were the repercussions of the attacks of September 11. Funding for environmental projects, like the kind I […]

Top 5 Social Networking Sites 2011

Social networks are the grouping of individuals into specific groups, such as small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, so to speak. Although this is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This type of site users is increasing rapidly with the expansion of Internet users […]

Grow your parts and service business in 2012

What was the biggest problem in 2010? There are not enough people to take care of the Clients! This is the biggest problem I see in dealerships today. In 2010, I visited dealerships from Kentucky to Virginia, Texas, Minnesota, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Florida. All but one have the same problem in common: there are not […]

Final Fantasy 3 – When the magic disappeared forever

Centuries ago, evil beings created powerful creatures called Espers, and unleashed them on each other. The resulting battles left his world like smoking rubble. Legend has it that the Espers destroyed themselves and most of humanity. The magic disappeared forever. Centuries have passed and now a rational world exists with Espers living only in myths, […]

Secret benefits of the Stepmill Stairmaster

My review of the Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT is a breakdown of the pros and cons of this misunderstood stair climber. Ever wanted a quality low-impact and cardio workout for the lower body? So the Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT is just what the doctor ordered because the Stepmill exceeded my expectations. When you first see […]
