A home treatment for head lice

A home treatment for head lice is the easiest way to get rid of these tiny, flat parasites. Although head lice do not have wings, they are easily transmitted from person to person. Lice live on the head by clinging tightly to the hair with their claws. Lice eggs, called nits, attach themselves to the […]

Healing psychic wounds from codependency

Codependency is more than a relationship problem. It hurts our psyche and individual development. Not make mistakes. It’s not our fault. The wounds of codependency are adaptive and helped us survive growing up in a dysfunctional family system. But that adjustment cost us our individuality, authenticity, and our future quality of life. The beliefs and […]

How to solve life problems

We all have problems in life. For the most part, we can solve them without much trouble. But some problems take us by surprise, leaving us disoriented and confused. Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. Solving problems isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated either. Even the most difficult […]

bangkok for kids

Thailand is acclaimed for many things, including nightlife, shopping, and great wildlife experience, even in the middle of Khao San, but it’s not the top destination for people who want a family tour. This is quite unfair. There is just as much to do for kids in Bangkok as it is for adults. siamese ocean […]
