There are many natural remedies for endometriosis available on the market today. Endometriosis is a painful condition in which endometrial tissue grows in other places, not just in the uterus. The most common include the ovaries, pelvic lining, and fallopian tubes. Sometimes it even goes beyond the pelvic area.

Symptoms include severe pain and cramps during menstruation. There is also pain during sexual intercourse, urination, bowel movements, and ovulation. Periods tend to be heavier than usual and clots are removed as well. Fatigue is another symptom of endometriosis, in addition to back pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion. Infertility is also a symptom, as adhesions caused by endometriosis can trap the egg.

Natural remedies for endometriosis can help alleviate most of these symptoms.

One of the first things to do when you are diagnosed with endometriosis is to reduce the amount of chemicals ingested. Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in the environment has been found to be associated with the increase and severity of endometriosis.

One of the natural remedies for endometriosis is to reduce your fat intake in fish, red meat, and high-fat dairy products, as these chemicals accumulate in animal fat. Taking more vegetables and fruits is one of the best natural remedies for endometriosis because the flavones found in plants inhibit aromatase, which is an enzyme responsible for converting androgens into estrogens.

Some sources of flavones that are excellent natural remedies for endometriosis are parsley and celery. Broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choi, and Brussels sprouts all produce indoles, which help metabolize estrogen in the body.

Other excellent natural remedies for endometriosis include Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon. Anchovies are also rich in Omega 3 fats. They work because they contain EPA and DHA, which are compounds that can help relieve pain by reducing the amount of prostaglandin E2, which is an inflammatory chemical found in the body. In addition, omega 3 fats also slow down the growth of endometrial cells.

Herbs can also be great for relieving endometriosis symptoms. Some of these naturopathic remedies include Castleberry berries and Vitex, which do a good job of restoring hormonal balance in your body.

When you’re suffering from pain, cramps, inflammation, and a lot of bleeding, wild yam will give you much-needed relief. Ginger will reduce menstrual cramps and red horsetail will reduce heavy flow.

Another of the natural remedies for endometriosis are the back flower or bach flower remedies. These are flower essences that are used to cure a variety of emotional problems that accompany endometriosis. These can include depression, anger, sadness, or self-pity. Back flower essences are a remedy for your emotional reactions to ill health and work by aligning your emotional state and bringing relief from negative and worrying ways of thinking about your condition.

Stress reduction is one of the natural remedies for endometriosis. When stressed, it produces elevated levels of cortisol, a hormone that in large amounts lowers progesterone levels in the body.

This creates a hormonal imbalance because the level of estrogen rises creating an environment conducive to endometriosis. As part of natural endometriosis remedies that help reduce stress, take B vitamins, Ashwaghandha, zinc, vitamin C, and magnesium.

Other great ways to reduce stress as part of natural endometriosis remedies include deep breathing, mindful mediation, and the relaxation response. For nausea, ginger tea is recommended. It has been discovered that there is a connection between the symptoms of endometriosis and yeast.

Women with endometriosis tend to have an overgrowth of bacteria. However, once it is treated, the symptoms of endometriosis are significantly reduced. So, make sure you have this verified as well.

Progesterone cream is among the natural remedies for endometriosis. Progesterone slows down the growth of endometrial tissue. It is applied to the inner thighs, upper chest, inner arms, or wrists. Make sure the dosage is recommended by a doctor before applying natural progesterone cream.

As you can see, there are numerous treatments available for you to try. Select the ones that work best for you and be sure to check with your doctor or specialist first.