What are ellipticals?

Ellipticals are machines similar to cross country. Like the latter, they can deliver a complete full-body workout in just a few minutes. Elliptical machines can provide you with a safe, low-impact aerobic workout. These machines can also be adjusted to provide different levels of stress and difficulty.

Ellipticals allow you to try different types of exercises with a single machine. Most ellipticals simulate walking, climbing stairs, riding a bike, and skiing. By using an elliptical motion, the impact of these exercises is reduced, sometimes even eliminated.

Elliptical machines, like other indoor machines, are ideal for people who do not want to leave the house to exercise, or for those who get bored easily from doing a few exercises. As with treadmills, using ellipticals can help strengthen your heart and immune system, as well as improve muscle tone. They also provide a total body workout in a relatively short period of time; Most manufacturers claim that you only need to exercise for about twenty minutes to claim your benefits.

The main advantage of an elliptical machine is its flexibility. If you go to a gym regularly, you probably do a lot of exercises with many different machines. An elliptical machine allows you to simulate many exercises with a single machine, which is ideal for the home environment. Another advantage is the reduced impact on exercises, which is ideal for people who have joint problems, such as those with arthritis. However, keep in mind that the reduced impact means you burn fewer calories.