For a UK based online business, selecting a UK dedicated server over a dedicated server solution based in another country eg USA is extremely beneficial. It is always preferable to choose a web hosting company that serves the same country where you do business, as you can easily travel to the hosting company to check the quality of the infrastructure they have, and also if you have placed your company’s web servers there , then you can always have more control over the administration of the servers by your own web experts.

Interacting with the hosting company’s support teams or even chatting with your local customers, website visitors and online customers over the phone is quite a bit cheaper than using long distance or overseas phone calls if online companies, as well as their web hosting companies, are based in different and far away countries, for example in the US and the UK. In addition to the proximity of the web hosting company’s location and these profitable features, there are many other benefits:

For your UK based online business, using UK based dedicated servers can mean faster connectivity and better interaction with your local online and offline customers and other website visitors. . Being located in the same time zone is a huge advantage when it comes to customer interaction. Your technical and customer service staff will be able to better understand local accents. In fact, this is a major concern when the company staff is in a different region, the accent barrier and different time zones act as business obstacles more often than not.

In addition to these marketing related issues, the accounting process also becomes difficult due to the constantly changing exchange rates. Local UK customers will obviously trust the UK-based online company more, just as much as they trust local brick-and-mortar businesses. These are very important features from all legal aspects as well.

For UK based online businesses, using a UK dedicated server – Using a UK based dedicated server hosting company will also mean better search engine results for sales of your products and services key code. Since UK internet surfers naturally use UK-based search engines, for example, exclusively to search for products and services, a very high ranking for your products and services in search engines from the same location will produce better sales results for your UK. based online company. Search engines now have their servers in specific locations all over the world and they give more importance to websites hosted on local web servers. So, if you need better UK search engine results for your SEO efforts, you should host your website on a UK data center based web host.

So from a business point of view, your UK based online business should use a hosting service and preferably use dedicated UK servers not only for better and faster hosting and support services from your local web host, but also to better serve your local customers. . All of these factors also help you produce better sales results in a cost-effective manner, provide better search engine results, save more foreign exchange, produce more local jobs, and of course, produce better customer and local citizen relationships. . All of these factors mean better long-term prospects for your business for longer.