If you’ve ever been to a family member’s, or even a friend’s, baptism, then you know that sometimes it’s hard to know what to buy as a gift. If your family or friends are religious, they may have already mentioned what to get as a gift.

However, if you’re new to christenings, you may have no idea what to buy, especially if it’s a baby’s christening. It seems that buying the baby a toy would be a bit inappropriate and not enough. Christening gifts are things that will last forever and the baby or parents will be able to keep it for the rest of their lives.

If you’re wondering what you should give as a christening gift, read on to learn more.


Now, giving money to the baby or child does not mean that you go up to them and hand them some money. That is inappropriate and out of place. Parents will also think that you haven’t tried at all.

However, if the parents have told you that they have opened a savings account, in the child’s name, for the future, then you can make a donation to the savings account. This is better than just giving money because it shows that you have a personal interest in the baby’s future.

If you don’t have the savings account details, you can give the parents that money or give them a check. Parents will appreciate this very much because raising a child is very expensive.

silver options

You have the option of buying the most traditional gift for a baptism. These are usually silver items and can be anything from a piggy bank to an ornamental pacifier.

This type of gift is more for the parents than the child because the items will be too heavy for the child to play with. Parents will keep these items forever and cherish the memory of when their child was baptized.

Some parents even put these items in a keepsake box for safekeeping and pass them on to their children when they have a family of their own. Therefore, the parents will think that this is a very thoughtful gift and will be very kind. You should consider buying them a family heirloom instead of a gift.

star name

A very good idea is to have a star with the child’s name and present the authentication certificate at the baptism. If you have the option, you should also invest in a star map so you can show parents where the star is.

Parents will love it and think of it as a bonding experience for when the child is older because they can go out on the field and tell him where his star is. Not many people have a star named after them.

Staying within this theme, you can upgrade the pack and also buy some land on the moon from them. It will only be an acre but the boy will own part of the moon.

You may not realize it, but the moon gift idea could be an investment for the future. You never know, the kid could be part of the generation that sees people actually living on the moon. Therefore, they would already have the land and could sell it.

Buying an intergalactic gift is something that is considered very thoughtful.