How to calm the mouth and get rid of them naturally!!

We’ve all had to avoid our favorite spicy exotic dish while waiting for the sore to heal. And we’ve all wondered how to rid our mouths of those painful sores!

Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, painful sores that are usually found inside the mouth. They can occur on the tongue, inside the cheeks or lips, and on the floor of the mouth. They usually have a red border and, unlike cold sores, are not contagious.

Although these sores are quite common, the reason for their appearance and their cure is, so far, unknown. There is some debate in the medical community as to whether canker sores are caused by viral or bacterial infections, but nothing conclusive is yet known. However, the good news is that there are several natural treatments for this common condition.

B12 vitamin
The recurring outbreak of these sores may indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble B vitamin important for maintaining nerve cells, forming red blood cells, helping iron work better in the body, improving immune function, and helping the body resist stress.

Zinc in the form of lozenges is another natural remedy. Zinc is a natural antibiotic agent, which means that if your canker sores are caused by a bacterial infection, it would definitely be beneficial to try it.

Acidophilus (lactobacillus acidophilus) is a good probiotic for many things, such as strengthening our immune system, aiding in digestion, and maintaining bacterial balance. Some theories suggest a connection between recurrent canker sores and immunity. So while no scientific studies have been done to prove its efficacy, it would certainly be beneficial to try acidophilus to boost our immunity during a thrush outbreak.

Acidophilus can be taken as a tablet or powder, as many vitamin retailers sell it as a supplement.

Yogurt is also a good (and tasty) source of acidophilus. Make sure the yogurt clearly states on its packaging that it does, in fact, contain an active acidophilus culture.

One small study explored a form of the herb licorice, called deglycyrrhized licorice (DGL), for canker sores. By the third day of the study, 75 percent or 15 people experienced complete healing of their canker sores. The study lacked a placebo group; therefore, it is impossible to conclude from this study that DGL was effective for the treatment of canker sores. The study used a mouthwash made from powdered DGL mixed with water. DGL is different from raw licorice because it has had the glycyrrhizic acid, the portion that can increase blood pressure, removed. DGL tablets are also an alternative and can be allowed to dissolve in the mouth.

milk of magnesia –
Milk of magnesia is made from magnesium hydroxide, a substance also commonly used in antacids and laxatives. On his television show, Dr. Oz recommended milk of magnesia to relieve the pain of canker sores and aid in healing. Recently, he discussed using a toothpaste, like Sensodyne, without the chemical sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) to prevent them. SLS is a foaming agent in many brand name toothpastes. Studies have shown that people who suffer from canker sores are up to 80% less likely to develop them if they use SLS-free toothpaste.