Drug and alcohol abuse is one of the main challenges of an expectant mother. This usually has many negative effects on the fetus during birth and can lead to other major problems later in life.

To shed light on the issue associated with drug and alcohol use during pregnancy, a week has been launched to raise awareness of this growing problem. Alcohol, drugs and pregnancy should not go together are the main objective of this event. Every year, Alcohol and Drug-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week begins on May 13 and will continue through May 19. This awareness week primarily targets women of childbearing age between the ages of 15 and 45 years.

It’s not fair that an innocent soul is punished for his mother’s bad decision. More babies could be prevented if their mothers do not abuse drugs and alcohol. When mothers take proper care during pregnancy, some problems can be avoided, namely: low birth weight, inadequate head diameter, age-related developments, epilepsy.

Only some women will consume alcohol even after learning about their pregnancy, while many do not know they are pregnant until week 4 to 6 and consumption during that time could have caused enough harm to the fetus. Since all women want to have a baby at some point in life, it is recommended that mothers stop using them if they are trying to get pregnant. The use of any amount of drugs and alcohol is considered dangerous during pregnancy.

How to overcome prenatal exposure to alcohol and drugs

It is imperative that everyone attend events related to this week to inform yourself and your family members about the seriousness of this. Here are some ways to overcome prenatal and drug exposure:

Join members of your community, nearby hospitals to create an awareness event. Seek the attention of the wide range of audience by choosing the most attractive gift items. Some of them include caps, pocket pins, rings, wristbands. The interesting thing about choosing them is that they can be personalized with personalized messages about the event.

Design posters, banners, templates related to the event and distribute it for free. Use social media websites and popularize events. Ideas include creating chat groups on Facebook, hashtags on Twitter, and posting event-related images on Instagram.

To be precise, avoid drugs if you want to get pregnant, that’s the only way you can protect your child from the havoc caused by drug use. Since it is easier for others to comment on the use of alcohol, for the one who suffers from it, it is not really easy to get out of it. Talk to your healthcare professional and find ways to refrain from using it. Also, you can find many counseling centers in and around your community to help people deal with such problems. The ideas discussed here are not based on the opinions or suggestions of a physician. Consult your health care provider for more information on this serious problem.