Player versus player action in World of Warcraft is very exciting and one of the best ways to get some of the best gear and armor in the game. There are a few simple things you can do to dramatically increase your skill at this aspect of the game.

relaxed game

This is, without a doubt, the most important thing you can do when playing PvP action in Warcraft. Try to take the long view that you will be in hundreds of combat situations and will be resurrected hundreds of times. So don’t worry about this. Focus on what you will learn in combat encounters. Try to think of your next hundred resurrections as a learning experience. Combat in Warcraft is very hectic and often only lasts five to fifteen seconds. If you are calm during these encounters, you will be able to make clear decisions and choose effective spells, buffs, and damage abilities.

Set up your toolbar for PvP action

Player versus player action is very different from normal gameplay and you have to use a very different set of skills to be successful. One of the dramatic differences is the need to capture and control your opponent. When playing against a game-generated beast or humanoid, you usually stand and fight and the enemy’s movements are predictable. But if you’re going up against another player, you might be faced with running, jumping, circling, head-to-toe punches, and a plethora of weapons and spells. So you have to adapt your defense and attack to this very different set of challenges. I recommend setting up at least three different sets of tools for pvp. The first set would be for engaging tanks and close brawlers where you would focus on breaking defense and dealing quick damage. The second toolbar would be for ranged fighters where you would want to slow, stun, control, zoom in, and deal damage. The third toolbar set up would be for large melee actions where there are many players in a small area. You would set up a lot of area of ​​effect spells that would damage multiple opponents and buff multiple allies.

Establish a routine that you practice and use in every encounter

I play a warrior, so I have a routine that I do at the first meeting. It’s a charge, a hamstring, a step and a turn, then a heroic strike. In a few keystrokes, I’ve stunned, slowed, and dealt significant damage to my opponent before he’s even had a chance to respond. He must set up a series of keystrokes and practice them over and over again until he is flawless.

Use game resources

A lot of people approach pvp in a haphazard way, but understanding some of the game’s options is something you really should do. It will dramatically improve your playing. Make sure that in the game options screen you activate the enemy launch bar. This will allow you to see what spell your targeted enemy is about to cast. And when you’re in the graveyard waiting to be resurrected, be sure to take a look at your combat log so you can understand what kind of damage you took during close combat. This will help you decide which armor, weapons, rings, and trinkets will be best for you.

Player versus player action in World of Warcraft is fast and furious. It’s also the only way to get some of the best armor and weapons in the game. You can significantly improve how quickly you get these items by staying calm, setting your toolbar correctly, and using the resources that come with the game.