There is a common saying among fishermen that “even a bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work”, and it would be difficult to find a fisherman who disagrees with that sentiment. After all, it’s hard to be too upset after spending a whole day at the lake or ocean, or sitting on the shore, fishing, and gazing at the scenery. But fishing in abundance is what really makes for a great day of fishing, even though it does come with an unpleasant task: cleaning the fish. Fortunately, even that task can be made less obnoxious when anglers have the right set of tools. That doesn’t mean that fishermen should rush out to buy a new set of knives; all that is needed is regular sharpening of the knives to make the job easier.

Using a dull knife is the quickest way for anglers not to be able to fillet fish, and is perhaps the reason why so many dislike the task. It makes the process difficult and adds an element of danger to the job, as cutting the bones and flesh of the fish with a dull knife can result in a blade in the hand. In fact, many anglers who have struggled with the filleting process in the past probably didn’t have the right blade for the job. But there’s more to knife sharpening than just buying a tool from the store, as even sharpeners that come with a warranty often don’t sharpen the knife enough to cut through skin, scales, and bones. This is because many fishermen lack the knowledge to use these tools correctly. While the process seems straightforward, there are a few knife sharpening tricks that could make the difference between a clean cut and, well, a cut in hand.

A proper knife sharpening session actually consists of two elements: sharpening and sharpening. The sharpening step involves grinding the blade, removing the metal, and creating a feathered edge, while the sharpening step involves straightening the blade that is already sharpened. Think of it this way: regular use of the instrument wears that ruler down over time, leaving it slightly misaligned and contributing to its opacity. The sharpening process realigns the edge again, recreating that clean, sharp cut that the knife originally had. The burnishing process is also fairly quick and easy, although it requires the use of burnishing steel or a good, strong stone. Many anglers can do it themselves by following one of the many simple online video tutorials, but there are also tons of professionals who can get the job done quickly and safely for those who don’t want to take chances.

When a knife is sharp and sharp, it is much easier and safer to fillet the fish without unnecessary pushing and pulling or accidental slipping. There’s no better way to end a great day on the water than with those freshly filleted fish for dinner.