The health benefits of rebounding exercise Scientists believe that it is the most efficient and effective exercise yet devised. It’s my favorite form of exercise because it’s fun, easy, and safe for just about anyone of any age.

Improve circulation and blood pressure: The health benefits of rebounding exercise can strengthen every cell in the body, including the heart muscle. As the heart muscle becomes stronger, it requires less effort to pump blood throughout the body. The muscles of the body will require less oxygen as they become more efficient in its use. The lymphatic system bathes each cell, as this system becomes more efficient in removing waste, blood pressure can be reduced, and varicose veins.

Increase lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is that network of vessels responsible for transporting all the nutrients in your body and removing toxins from the cells. The system depends on external pressure to send its contents through the one-way opening valves, since it does not have its own pumping mechanism. When it bounces back, the lymphatic system is actively working to pump that toxic waste out of the cells.

increases energy: My experience corroborates with many reports that rebounding gives you a higher level of energy and does not leave you exhausted like strenuous exercises.

increase metabolism:Regular rebounding exercise helps your base metabolic rate become more efficient, resulting in improved muscle tone and weight control. Once your metabolic rate is restored, you can burn more calories at a higher rate and help you maintain your desired weight.

Bone density constructs: The health benefits of rebounding exercise put you on the same level as astronauts who have to build their bone mass. The NASA study showed that rebounding was the best exercise to help astronauts rebuild lost bone mass caused by prolonged periods of weightlessness in space where they lost up to 15% bone mass in just 2 weeks. Rebounding can also be used to help prevent osteoporosis.

Extensive rebound tests also show it to be useful for patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The relief experienced by arthritis patients can often be spectacular. However, only gentle bouncing for ten to fifteen minutes 3 to 4 times a day is recommended to start.

Improve back and knee problems: The health benefits of rebounding exercise help strengthen your spine and back muscles without the undue strain of running on a hard surface. Helps prevent shin splints and knee problems associated with exercising on a hard surface.

Athletes suffer extensive knee problems, as studies have shown that between 27% and 70% of runners suffer a running-related injury in their first year of running. Rebounding can help build muscle strength and efficiency to help avoid those common injuries.

improves balance: The Health Benefits of Rebounding Exercise has been shown to improve balance and coordination because the rebounding surface slightly flexes the body in different directions to provide optimal stimulation to the body’s balance mechanisms.

Boost the lymphatic and immune system: Since rebounding acts directly on both the lymphatic and immune systems, even five to ten minutes of gentle rebounding, like four times a day, can help stop the onset of colds and sore throats (as reported in some studies).