By making the decision not to eat wheat and doing it one day at a time, you will find that you may be on your way to a new way of being, leaner and healthier, with a clearer mind and less aches and pains.

Some wheat withdrawal experiences are cravings. These cravings usually occur in 2-hour cycles and studies have shown that people who eat a high-carbohydrate diet of wheat products every day, such as snacks, cereals, or bread, pasta, make their metabolism dependent on a constant supply. of sugar (“Wheat belly”). By removing the source of sugar, it forces the body to burn fatty acids.

The next step:

After kicking the wheat habit, additional elimination of other high carbohydrates is also beneficial, such as: desserts, rice, potatoes, legumes, gluten-free foods, fruit juices, soft drinks, nuts, corn starch, flour products corn and others. grain

What’s left to eat?

Some people may wonder: What is left to eat once they eliminate wheat from their diets?

Get creative with your wheat free options, expand your food choices from what you are used to eating normally. When you are successfully wheat free, you may find that you are eating for breakfast what in the past you would have eaten for dinner. You will eat real food and experience all the good effects of really good nutrition.

I love delicious vegetables! You will be surprised by the incredible variety you will find, as well as the flavors, textures and versatility that vegetables offer you. Other foods include raw fruits and nuts, a wide range of meats and eggs, as well as dairy products such as cheese, condiments such as olives, raw nuts and seeds, pickled vegetables, and junk that provide variety.

Examples of wheat-free menus might include: a breakfast of scrambled eggs, sun-dried tomatoes, feta, mushrooms, and basil, with a few nuts such as raw almonds, walnuts, or pistachios.

For lunch, a tuna salad with onions or scallions and grated carrots mixed with mayonnaise. Choose between pickled vegetables, a hard-boiled egg, cheese cubes or olives as a side.

The wheat-free dinner menu could be anything from baked chicken or salmon, to steak or chops, perhaps with sautéed vegetables, such as red and green bell peppers, onion, and zucchini, and a spinach salad with walnuts, red onion, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. The Greek salads are always tasty and so are the pureed vegetable soups, tomato soup with fresh tomatoes and good old fashioned chicken soup. I’m sure once you get going; you will find many new recipes to suit your lifestyle and taste. I wish you all the best on this journey back to health.

Good appetite, and enjoy being wheat free!