Whether it is teenagers or married men and women, gaming enjoys special attention from all age groups and both sexes. However, each age group plays games for different reasons. The older ones do it to alleviate loneliness and reduce stress, while adolescents have turned it into their only hobby, even an obsession. The availability of games for girls has also resulted in an increase in the interest of women in games. It has been reported that 41% of all gamers are women and about 43% of all gamers are between the ages of 25-49. The data shows how everyone enjoys gaming and is not limited to a particular segment of society.

The titles are already available online, to enjoy playing at no cost. This form of gambling has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, as the only prerequisite is a good broadband internet connection. There are also stock games, played on consoles and computers, which are heavier and more complex graphics that come at a high price and require internet only when playing multiplayer modes. People can choose between these two genres, and both remain equally popular to date. Much is being done to facilitate developments in this growing industry, with the result that the rise in popularity is unlikely to level off any time soon.

The game employs all of the user’s senses, as well as intelligence and strategic analysis skills, and combines it with complex, lifelike graphics and colors to create a truly enjoyable experience for all players. With the incorporation of the Internet into many game titles, the multiplayer gaming experience that was created brought many users into a whole new world of gaming where they could compete with professional gamers present not only in their own city or country, but in everyone else. parts of the world too.

The online gaming ecosystem has six segments:

– The subscriber

– The advertiser

– The provider of the gaming platform

– The broadband service provider

– The network service provider

– The content provider

Together, the revenue this ecosystem has been generating since the year 2000 has been in the billions, and the rise continues with no visible chance of going down.

There is also a downside to the production of this highly innovative industry. While the games stimulate the mind of the user, excessive gaming can become an addiction, interrupting the daily tasks like studying, working and it can also take the housewives away from their daily routine. It can also lead to obsession, neglect of duties, lying, depression and nervousness which, in turn, can lead to suicides, mental imbalances and the destruction of careers and lives in general. It also negatively affects the social life of each player; Outside of your usual circle of friends and gaming competitors, of course. Other physical effects that gaming can have include carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, sleep disturbances, and a general lack of personal hygiene.

Undoubtedly, the foreseeable future is very bright for the gaming industry and it can bring about big changes in the way the world spends its recreational and leisure time. However, if certain control measures are not observed, it can become a global epidemic due to the addictive effect that gaming has these days on both young and old.