All these “get your love back” articles preach to you about how hard work it’s going to be to rekindle love once lost, blah blah blah… Okay, but how about the fun part? Remember, we get into relationships in the first place because they are supposed to make us happy. Being in love and being with the person you love is fun; otherwise, we would give up and go play video games. So here are some refreshing and fun tips to win your love back.

Show up spontaneously for a surprise date. Pick a night when you know they’re free and drop by with tickets in hand to a local show, concert, or other occasion. No stress, just go out and have fun with you. The key here is that they associate having a good time with being with you.

He offered to do an outrageous favor. This is something like, you will pay to have his car fixed when it breaks down, or you will wallpaper his living room, or you will take care of his two Greta Danes while they go on vacation for a week. The idea here is to do something out of character from what you normally do. It will really blow them away, make them say “You’re crazy! No one would offer to do this!” Of all the fun tips to get your love back, this one might not be so much fun for you, but see it as an adventure.

Invite them to dinner at your accommodation. Here’s the trick: cook the best and most elaborate food you know how! And do all the fussy routine with a nice tablecloth, candlelight, three tenors on the stereo, a carefully selected wine – it all works! As cheesy as it sounds, it works on every cliché of a romantic dinner at home. Be over the top! It will be refreshing and different simply because no one does this anymore.

Offer to attend as a chaperone while your ex goes to some event he loves. Remember, these are tips to get your love back, not do what you want to do this time. Let’s say they’re comic book fans and you can’t stand the stuff; anyway, go with them to the San Diego Comic Con. They love action movies and you can’t stand them. Decide that you are going to love one this time even if it kills you. They are huge basketball fans and you would rather have a root canal. Show up to them at the Lakers game anyway, and while you’re at it, wear the jersey and foam finger and yell for your team like your life depends on it. .

Lastly, how about picking one item from your sexual fantasy wish list and stick to it? Whatever the one thing she’s always wanted to try that you’d never show interest in, offer to indulge her anyway. Yes, you might get discouraged or just feel silly, but what the heck, you might find that you enjoyed it anyway!

Click here to watch a short video on how to get your ex back and download your free “3 Steps to Get My Ex Back” eBook.