Not surprising at all, as summer is the time when people make travel plans to sunny and sandy beaches. Preparations are not just limited to booking plane tickets and beachfront accommodations. You need to get in shape too.

“I’ve been out of shape for over a month,” says a stenographer. The answer is not diet and rigorous workouts.

It’s Surgery At one time, back liposuction was the buzzword for those who wanted to lose a few pounds fast. In this procedure, a doctor has patients go under a needle, insert a cannula under the skin to suction fat from a targeted area.

Today, for people looking for body contouring, there are other options as well. Laser technology has minimized the need for invasive surgical procedures.

Currently, around the world, more and more people are undergoing laser treatment to get rid of scars, pigmentation and acne.

A system called CoolSculpting is catching on. Manufactured and sold by Zeltics Inc., it has received approval for use in the United States by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Simply put, it’s a fat freezing procedure that uses controlled cooling to get rid of stubborn fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise.

Several cosmetic surgeons promise that the results are proven, noticeable, and long-lasting.

These are some of the key characteristics of this innovative procedure in the market:

• This FDA-cleared fat reduction procedure uses precisely controlled cooling to target fat cells.

• It is not an answer for obesity. Rather, CoolSculpting addresses areas such as the back, fat, bra handles, stomach handles, and love handles.

To explain this procedure in a simpler way, it uses rounded paddles, chosen from four sizes to suck up grease like a vacuum cleaner. The patient sits in an inclined chair for about 2 hours, while the cooling pads crystallize the fat cells.

According to a doctor specializing in body contouring surgery, “people tolerate mild discomfort very well.” Plus, he adds, “The sucking and cooling sensations eventually wear off.”

Some cosmetic surgeons even go so far as to say that their patients, while undergoing surgery, are working on their laptops, reading, or enjoying a movie.

But is this procedure for everyone?

For people considering body contouring surgery, specialists say this procedure is only for those looking for mild improvements.

CoolSculpting is not a major fat removal procedure like liposuction.

Some of the things doctors look for in their patients include:

• Your age and skin quality

• Is the skin likely to bounce?

• How thick the fabric is. This is because the suction panel will only be able to treat tissue that it can access.

The good news is that the procedure is non-invasive, the risks are comparatively very low.

For patients, what matters is choosing the right doctor.