The person you hoped to spend your life with has left you, for whatever reason, and your heart is broken. Initially, that pain and anguish is excruciating and you don’t know how you’re going to get through the next minute, let alone the next day.

Obviously, you need to go through a grieving process for the lost relationship, and that will take time. However, he can help himself during the acute early stages of pain and distress with these simple, natural remedies and healing exercises.

crystal healing

Take a piece of rose quartz or rhodochrosite crystal. Clean it under running water and then carry the crystal with you at all times. You can also hold the crystal and focus on its energy while breathing slowly for a few minutes. Make a mental connection with the crystal and ask its energy to interact with yours. The energies of these crystals resonate with the heart center, and the color pink has the energy of love. It will help heal and nourish the energy of your Heart Chakra.

Bach Flower Remedies

Get the following Bach Flower Remedies (available at any health food store): Rescue Remedy, White Chestnut, and Sweet Chestnut. Rescue Remedy helps with shock and trauma, White Chestnut helps calm the thoughts that go round and round in your head, and Sweet Chestnut helps relieve extreme distress.

Add four drops of each remedy to 10ml of brandy or vinegar (choose vinegar if you are taking other medicines) then make up the mixture to approximately 30ml with water. Take four drops of the mixture four times a day, or more often if you feel distressed. The remedy is perfectly safe and you can take as much as you want with no ill effects. It does not need to be refrigerated.

If you are feeling extremely distressed, take four drops of undiluted Rescue Remedy directly onto your tongue. Repeat this every fifteen minutes until you feel calm.

coral color therapy

The chromatic energy that will help you the most is coral; Coral is a mix of pink and yellow. In color psychology, pink is the color of unconditional love and yellow is joy. The resulting coral color is very special in color healing. Within the coral we have self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect. This color makes us feel good about ourselves. Honor our sensitivity. It nourishes us and allows us to flourish. Whenever you feel vulnerable, devastated, despondent, or rejected, coral energy is like being given a big hug. Wear as much of this color as you can, as it will really help you right now: wear coral clothing and jewelry, go for a coral bubble bath, wrap yourself in a coral blanket, if you don’t like the color , you can wear coral underwear!

This healing exercise is also very supportive. Sit or lie down quietly and imagine that you are completely surrounded by soft coral light. Visualize color soaking into your skin, sinking into your muscles, your bones, and your blood. Imagine that you are breathing the energy of the coral deep into your lungs. Let the energy penetrate your heart. Imagine it getting stronger and stronger with each inhalation. Feel your heart pumping the color around your body. When you feel that the energy of the coral has filled every cell in your body, imagine that the energy cleanses the pain and pain from your heart, making your cells clean and renewed.

Using these simple healing techniques will ease the anguish of those first days and weeks. It will also erase the energetic signature of shock and trauma from your cellular memory. This is particularly important if you want to prevent trauma from sabotaging your life and relationships in the future.

As the shock wears off, you will move on to the next stage of loss processing and begin to regain your well-being. Remember that whatever the reason for your relationship breakup, it is worth caring for and deserves to be loved for who it is.