My goodness, how time flies! It seems like yesterday it was time to “jump forward” and soon it will be time to “go back”. Now that our youth are back in school and you’re back in your fall routine, it’s time to get organized, both inside and out.
Start by sorting through your spring and summer clothes. While sorting, if there are items you can no longer use, put them in a separate pile. When you’re done sorting them, wash them, store them in a box, and take them to your favorite charity. This helps keep your closet free of clutter. If you find items that are clearly not usable by you or anyone else, throw them out. Wash items that need to be stored and pack them in storage containers or move them to another closet for the winter. Next, pull out your fall and winter items, and while you put them away, organize your closet in the process.
After you have all the closets ready, change the bedding to prepare for the cold months ahead. Wash and put away light bedding and remove heavy sheets. To continue your indoor to-do list, break out the humidifier to help bring moisture back into the dry environment during these cooler months. Adding moisture to your environment can make your space more comfortable and can even make the space feel warmer. Also, change the direction of your ceiling fans so they move clockwise. Doing so creates an updraft that actually redistributes hot air that’s floating near the ceiling throughout the room so your home heats more efficiently.
To complete your chores inside, clean out radiators and vents before cold weather hits. Replace your furnace filter, have it inspected, and put up storm doors and windows. If you have a fireplace, don’t forget to make sure it works properly.
Now let’s move on to your outdoor chores. Pull up dead annuals and compost what you remove. Cut back perennials for the next season. Get your leaf blowers and rakes ready before the leaves start to fall. Once they start to fall, keep your lawn healthy by raking it regularly and use the leaves for your compost pile. If you have the kind of gutters that need cleaning, get it done and start planting your spring bulbs. If you have a fireplace, start stocking up on firewood.
Once you check off the items on these to-do lists, you’ll be ready for the cold months ahead and ready to have some fun. Set a day to go apple picking. If you live here in Michigan, I know you’re pretty familiar with the cider mill tour that includes the hay ride, hot cider, and as many apples as you can pick.
Dont wait! Set time on your calendar to do your fall planning, commit to it, and see it through. Once you’re done, remember to celebrate your achievement, whether you picked an apple or some other treat you’ve been craving. Celebrating the completion of one project will energize and empower you to move on to the next.
©2008 Sheila Hawkins