Wow! I never expected to discover that fructose, the sugar component in many fruits, is a poison. An online lecture by Dr. Robert H. Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist and obesity expert, spells this out as a wake-up call for all. While the complicated biochemistry will be a bit difficult for many unfamiliar to follow, the video is a must-watch to remove ignorance and expose what the food industry is all about.

The 90-minute exposure goes deep enough into biochemistry to awaken even the hardest of minds. With so much of our food going through processing, it has taken my mind off knowing how many toxins are supplied to us by supermarkets and the junk food industry.

Many babies are now formula fed by mothers who have rejected breastfeeding for one reason or another. You may be surprised to learn that a single food contains as much sugar as a soda.

What this conference covers is not only the dangers, but also the liver’s response methods to high sugar intake. This has led me to rethink my smoothies that have recently replaced oatmeal on my breakfast menu. While I enjoy them for the fruit and yogurt components, my horror at the damage they may have caused is now a concern.

Without all the important words, which most might not understand, the breakdown of eating sugar is as follows:

1. Fat around the organs and heart disease

2. Increase blood levels of uric acid which causes gout and high blood pressure.

3. Increased risk of fatty liver that can lead to cancer

4. Creates insulin resistance that leads to obesity and type II diabetes.

5. Insulin resistance can also cause cancer

6. Fructose makes you eat more calories because the brain thinks you are hungry.

7. Excess fructose can cause leptin resistance and, as a result, obesity.

8. Sugar is addictive. Who can stop eating after a chocolate or a lollipop?

Although the fructose in fruits is not that harmful, a large amount can affect the liver strongly. They also contain fiber which compensates for the damage a bit.

What many don’t realize is that alcohol is also sugar. It has the same components and can lead to the production of aldehyde, which causes cirrhosis or hardening of liver cells, preventing them from working properly.

This article only deals with the warning and anyone interested in the facts should see the conference. This is very important and here is the link for everyone who would care, or should I say dare, see it.