Printing remains an integral part of any marketing campaign. While digital media has taken the business landscape by storm, brochures are still relevant if you’re creating a new campaign. According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), 48% of consumers respond to leaflet distribution, while less than 21% respond to television commercials.

This highlights the power of flyer printing in the contemporary advertising environment. While these advertising tools are highly effective, the layout you choose largely determines whether you will achieve your campaign goal.

Why use printing?

Brochures are cheap to produce and are also more affordable than most advertising options available today. They also generate more feedback and can be used to meet different business goals, including education, promotion, entertainment, and branding. Consumers find them easy to read and are saved for future responses, unlike other marketing tools whose message can be difficult to remember. In addition, they complement your online advertising strategy to improve visibility and increase conversion rates.

The Two of Flyer Printing

To be successful with this form of marketing, be sure to do the following:

  1. Keep it simple: the design and the message should fly off the page. The reader should immediately know your company name from the logo, find the message and the call to action (CTA) in less than 3 seconds. Avoid a messy design that distracts the eye.

  2. Know the characteristics of your buyers: If you do not know the personality of your target customer, your campaign will not work. Start by creating a buyer’s personality and profile to understand what they do, what they like, their behavior, and their motivation to come up with a strategy that works.

  3. Add a call to action (CTA) – Make sure you tell your target customers what you want them to do. The call to action should reflect your business objective; Do you want them to go to your website? Do you want them to come to your store to get discounts? Looking for references? The CTA should be concise and clearly stated for the best impact.

What not to do when using brochures

Here are some of the mistakes to avoid when printing booklets:

  1. Don’t overdo it: Most marketers say too much, forgetting that the modern consumer’s attention is shorter than ever. An impression full of text is an immediate detour for the reader.

  2. Do not lose focus: remember the main objective and achieve it by providing all the necessary details. Make sure your contact information is included, including the website URL.

  3. Don’t skimp on paper quality – These promotional tools are inexpensive, but this doesn’t mean you should use poor quality paper. If it looks and feels cheap, it reflects directly on your brand and readers will pick up on it.

By building the personality of your buyers, providing the necessary details and using a creative call to action, you will give your promotional campaign a boost.