It’s easy to get stressed about losing weight. We all want to be toned, fit, healthy and maintain our desired body weight, but achieving sustained weight loss can be difficult. Often our desire to lose weight can create stress. Unfortunately, if you’re already a little overweight, this stress could lead to more weight gain instead of helping you get the healthy, toned body you want. Here are two important things to consider about why you shouldn’t stress about losing weight.

1. Stress is associated with weight gain

A large study by an international collaboration of researchers from University College London and the University of Helsinki, Finland, has found a significant association between stress and unwanted weight changes (Kivimäki et al. 2006).

The research found that those who were already heavier relative to their height (body mass index > 27) were more likely to gain weight when stressed. On the other hand, those who were already lean (BMI < 22) were more likely to lose weight when stressed. Although this study primarily addressed workplace stress, there are important implications for anyone trying to lose weight. This leads to the second point to consider about stress and weight loss.

2. Stress can cause hormonal changes that affect weight loss

Stress hormones released by our body’s endocrine system (such as cortisol) can cause weight gain. So stressing about losing weight can actually backfire. There are a number of complex physiological processes that are influenced by these hormones. These hormones play a role in weight gain or loss, blood sugar levels (and diabetes), brain function (and memory in particular), as well as immunity and other important bodily processes.

So what is the answer?

It’s great to know that stressing about losing weight isn’t helpful, but what can you do about it? Why not take that energy and direct it towards some positive steps towards better health and a better body? Now I’m not talking about trying the latest diet fad or buying an exercise machine. I’m talking about putting together a plan with manageable steps to help you lose weight sustainably (and keep it off long-term).

There will be no better time than right now to start taking positive steps toward better health and a better body. Don’t wait until next week or next month, start taking positive action today!