Water is the most important element on earth next to oxygen, you cannot live much more than 5 or 6 days without water. Water is to our bodies what gasoline and oil are to our automobile. If the engine does not get enough oil it starts to overheat and the various parts start to wear out and as a consequence if any part of an engine fails the whole engine is affected.

Pure water regulates body temperature by making us sweat and as the sweat evaporates, heat is drawn from our skin and the water moistens our tissues such as those in the mouth, eyes, nose and throat. Water protects the body’s organs and tissues, lubricates joints, prevents constipation, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells and carries waste away for disposal.

An adequate supply of clean, healthy water decreases the burden on the liver and kidneys by removing toxic waste material. Pure water dissolves minerals and nutrients, allowing our bodies to use them and helping muscles to become more elastic or flexible.

If pure, clean water is so critical to the health of every cell in the body, how important would it be in terms of water quality? Would it make sense to try to wash dishes in a sink with dirty water? Of course not, and there’s also no point in drinking dirty water and expecting it to cleanse your cellular system. I will cover the relationship in more depth later.

So why drink distilled?

Distilled water is the only water that can be called water (H2O), a molecule of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. More nothing else! The rest of the “water” is actually H2O plus something. That “something” could be anything the water came into contact with that could be dissolved, absorbed, and retained.

In nature, the sun heats water, causing it to change into its gaseous form, evaporate, rise into the upper atmosphere, cool, and condense into tiny droplets and gather to form clouds. As the droplets get colder, the molecules clump together and become heavy and fall back to earth as distilled water (this process is called the hydrologic cycle). Unfortunately, our atmosphere is polluted by ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide.

Unfortunately, when this pure distilled water reaches the ground, it is now H20 + Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) + NOx + CO + numerous cancer-causing chemicals. But it doesn’t stop there, after the mildly contaminated water reaches the land, it begins a journey of absorbing and dissolving whatever comes in contact with the ground surface before soaking into the ground or running off down storm drains. At this stage, this once-pristine water washes oil, dust, dirt, and toxic debris from streets, highways, and parking lots, including fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides from yards, gardens, and farmland, and the list goes on. There is not a single stream, river, lake, or underground aquifer that is free of contamination. Guess where the food and beverage processing industry, cities or municipalities get their water from? You guessed it, those same rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

Why guess, wait and wonder when it comes to your health? Drink distilled water, live healthier and longer.