Do you know what a dead weight is? Do you know how to deadlift correctly? Most people who attend a gym have probably never seen someone deadlift, much less do the exercise themselves. Well I can tell you are missing it. Deadlifts are the best gym exercise for full body development and strength gain without exception. The squat is good, the bench press is good, but nothing hits as well as a deadlift.

If you are unfamiliar with the deadlift, it is basically lifting weights off the ground. It’s about lifting a loaded barbell from floor height to a fully upright, easy standing position.

So if it’s such a great exercise, why is it rare to see someone deadlift?

  1. It is a tough exercise.
  2. Fitness gyms frown on exercise due to noise and possible floor damage.
  3. It is a very tough exercise.
  4. Doctors and “health professionals” disapprove of possible back damage.
  5. It is a very, very hard exercise.

The deadlift uses most of the muscles in your body compared to any other exercise and it is this that makes the deadlift so difficult. A weak body part and the entire deadlift movement can suffer. With each repetition, engage the entire posterior chain from nape to calves. Other parts of the body are also involved in the movement, including the abs, obliques, quads, biceps, grip, and forearms.

The deadlift has many benefits for the serious gym member, including muscle size, muscle strength, loss of body fat, and core strength.

Correct form of deadlift

Load a barbell with a weight that you can easily lift for practice.


  1. Stand with your feet below shoulder width apart and your shins almost touching the bar.
  2. Bend over at the waist and grab the bar just outside your legs.
  3. Use a grip with one hand underneath and one hand over the grip for maximum balance and strength.
  4. Flatten your back and, as you do so, bend your knees. There should be a point where your back is completely flat and stiff and your knees are bent. This is the optimal position for shooting.
  5. Look up and choose a place to focus.
  6. Take the ‘whip’ off the bar. This means simply pulling up gently without lifting the weight off the floor. This prevents the bar from being ripped off the floor, the bar should be raised smoothly.
  7. Lift the bar off the floor as fast as you can and keep pulling until you are standing. Climb up using your legs as much as possible.

Watch video clips of great deadlifts like Andy Bolton and Konstantine Kostanov to see their style and technique. The only common factor I’ve noticed is that they don’t bend their knees as much as other lifters. This means that they must have great upper and lower back strength.

By including deadlifts in your weekly gym routine, performing them correctly and with a good weight, I can guarantee that you will see excellent results in your physique, strength and development.

For more tips, hints, tips, videos, and much more, visit my blogs.